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You're woken up by something moving in your bed. You open your eyes to see that Imane has gotten into your bed.
Y/N: "Heyyy". You say in a husky morning voice as you wrap your arms around her and go back to sleep.
——————-Time skip December 19th———————
'Hey guys just letting you all know that I'm leaving for London in 2 days. Spending Christmas with the family. I'll see you all when I get back, have a good Christmas xoxo.'
Not even a minute after you send the message Imane bursts into your room.
POKI: "You're going to London? In two days?"
Y/N: "Uhh yeah" You say not really understanding the confusion from her.
POKI: "Why didn't you tell me before?"
Y/N: "Ohhh" you say as the confusion finally makes sense. "I guess I forgot to mention it sorry"
POKI: "Can I come?" She asks with puppy eyes.
Y/N: "I mean yeah of course. If you don't think it's a bit early to meet my family over the holidays"
POKI: "I'd love to spend Christmas with your family. Now tell me what flights to book"
Y/N: "Okay if you're sure"
You and Imane book her flights and you decide to upgrade yourself to first class considering it's a long flight.
You see her smiling at her phone as she types out a message and then your phone buzzes.
IMANE❤️‍🔥 'Oh I'm going as well guys. See you all when we get back. Have a good Xmas!'
Y/N: "Thats what you were smiling at?" You say chuckling at her
POKI: "Uh huh" She says grabbing your arm and hugging it.
Y/N: "You're too cute" You say as you kiss the top of her head.
————————Jump to London————————
You stretch your legs as you get through security in London.
Y/N: "That's one hell of a flight. 10 hours is crazy"
POKI: "I know. I think my legs are dead and never to return"
Y/N: "My mother should be outside somewhere she said she'd pick us up" You say as you leave the airport being met by the harsh winter weather of London.
POKI: "Damn it's cold as fuck! Take me back to LA please"
Y/N: "Oh no no. You asked for this remember" As you wrap your arm around her you hear someone call your name.
MRS Y/L/N: "Y/N! Over here!"
Y/N: "Hey mom how have you been" You say as she brings you in for a hug
MRS Y/L/N: "I've been good, busy working you know how it is. This beautiful woman must be the famous Imane I've been hearing about"
POKI: "Hi! It's great to meet you finally. You talk about me Y/N?"
Y/N: "Maybe a little" You say obviously lying.
MRS Y/L/N: "Ha a little?!? He doesn't shut up about you and how amazing you are"
POKI: "Awww come here you cutie" She says as practically jumps into your arms
Y/N: "Can we go please"
MRS Y/L/N: "Fine fine get in"

You drive through the streets of London as it starts to lightly snow.
POKI: "Snow!! Look it's snowing!"
Y/N: "Thanks captain obvious" You say teasing her resulting in a flurry of slaps to the arm.
MRS Y/L/N: "Guess you don't get much of that in LA do you"
POKI: "Not at all. It's just warm all the time"
MRS Y/L/N: "Enjoy it while it lasts then"
You drive past your old university which brings back some good memories. And of course some bad ones.
MRS Y/L/N: "well if it isn't Y/N's old stomping grounds, UCL.
Y/N: "I still don't know how I got in there"
POKI: "Is it difficult to get in?"
MRS Y/L/N: "You don't know about UCL? I mean it's not Oxford or Cambridge but it's up there"
POKI: "Oh really. So my mans a nerd huh" she says mocking you.
MRS Y/L/N: "It was ranked in the top ten in the world when he got accepted."
Y/N: "Okay mum she gets it. It's a good university" you say laughing to hide the embarrassment.

You finally arrive at your parents house where you're greeted by the family dog.
Y/N: "Hey buddy how you doing."
POKI: "Awww whos this guy?"
Y/N: "This is Hanzo my little husky. Who's clearly not very little anymore"
Y/N: "Anyway shall we go upstairs and get everything sorted?"
POKI: "Sounds good"
MRS Y/L/N: "I'll call you down when dinner is ready. It won't be long your father started while I was getting you guys"
Y/N: "Thanks"

As you go upstairs and sit on your old bed you look over at Poki who looks like she's seen a ghost.
Y/N: "Hey. You okay you've gone pale"
Poki doesn't respond instead handing you her phone.
Y/N: "Oh shit. That's not good" You say as look at the tweet on her phone
POKI: "Uh huh"
POKI: "I knew we should've been more careful in public. I was just so caught up in meeting your mom and being here for Christmas. I just can't beli-". You cut her off by bringing her into your arms.
Y/N: "Hey hey shh. It's all going to be okay. We will figure it out"
POKI: "People are going to go crazy"
Y/N: "Well it's already trending at number one so I think it's fair to say the world knows."
POKI: "What are we going to do?"
Y/N: "What do you mean? We live our lives as we did before only now we don't have to be so secretive. I'd be lying if i said I didn't want the world to know that I was dating THE Pokimane"
POKI: "Oh really? You want to show me off huh"
Y/N: "Who wouldn't? You're the best there is" you say as you pull her in for a kiss. Things were starting to get a little steamy as your hands work their way down her body and into her trousers.
Y/N: "I'm so happy you're here" you say in between kisses.
You move down her neck, kissing her all over. You guide her down to the bed leaving you lying on top of her between her legs. As things start to go further your interrupted by the yell of your mother.
MRS Y/L/N: "Y/N! Dinner!"
Y/N: "Damn" you mumble as you get off Imane letting her back up.
POKI: "Damn is right. I am hungry though"
You both go downstairs when you get a notification on your phone.
AMY: 'Really? You're with her now? And you brought her to London? London was our place.'
You read the message causing you to sigh.
POKI: "What's up?"
Y/N: "It's Amy. She's not happy about us"
POKI: "Give me the phone. Let me see."
'IMAGE OF YOU AND IMANE KISSING' 'Enjoy the picture, Love Poki😘'
She hands the phone back to you letting you see what she sent.
Y/N: "Okay really? You're just making it worse Imane"
POKI: "Oh well. She needs to get over it"
AMY: 'Fuck you Y/N. Did those 2 years mean nothing to you? Asshole'
Y/N: "Thank you so much for that Imane"
'I'm sorry you had to find out like this Amy. You know I still care about you. I don't want to hurt you anymore'
Y/N: "Fan-fucking-tastic. She won't say anything now"
POKI: "What a shame. She's in the past now"
Before you can even say anything back to that your mom shouts again.
MRS Y/L/N: "Would you two lovebirds hurry up!"
POKI: "We're coming MRS Y/L/N." She says taking your hand and leading you downstairs to the dinner table.
POKI: "This looks great thank you MRS Y/L/N" She says looking at you smiling but you're expression is quite the opposite after that altercation with Amy.
Apologies it was a little bit shorter than the last chapter.

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