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After talking to Rae back and forth on Twitter throughout the morning you decide on a time to join her stream for some Valorant.

————Jump to joining Raes stream——
RAE: "Okay guys we need a fifth teammate and I have the perfect person for it. This guy from what i have seen is pretty damn good so please welcome to the stream Y/N"
Y/N: "Hey guys how you doing? Ready to finally win? I was watching those last few games and I think you need me" you say acting confident to impress for your first time in Rae's stream.
SYD: "Okay Okay let's see what you can really do huh"
You load into your first game of the day with the five stack of: Yourself, Rae, Syd, John and Jodi. The game gets off to a tough start with you not being able to show off your true skill. Raes chat start flaming you
CHAT: 'I thought this guy was meant to be good'
              'Rae get sykkuno instead of this guy pls'
RAE: 'CHAT! Chill out he's good trust me' She says thinking she is muted in the discord.
Y/N: "Sorry guys I'm just nervous to be playing with THE Valkyrae' you say trying to create some humour and get the chat off your back.
RAE: "Stop it! You're too kind Y/N" She says visibly blushing
As the rounds continue you start to get into the groove and play like you knew you could. You go into the next round to win the whole game and you're the last one alive on your team. It's a 4 v 1 and the discord goes silent you get 2 of the enemy team in quick succession but you have to get to the other side of the map to get the rest. You manage to get the ACE and the discord call erupts.
Y/N: "WHAT NOW CHAT HUH? I CANT HEAR YOU NOW CHAT" you say finally getting back at Rae's chat.
RAE: "HOLY SHIT Y/N! That was crazy"
SYD: "Okay so maybe we did need you after all"
Y/N: "Told you guys you did" You say with the most arrogance in your voice possible.
RAE: "Okay we need to take this guy down a peg or two".
You play more games until the team slowly starts to fall apart until it's just you and Rae left in the discord call.
RAE: "Okay guys I'm going to be ending the stream there it was a lot of fun and I'll be back tomorrow for more. See ya guys. Oh Y/N could you stay in the call for a minute"
Y/N: "Yeah sure"
RAE: "That was a lot fun thanks for coming on and helping us climb ranks."
Y/N: "Yeah it was really fun thanks for inviting me. You're welcome for the carry by the way"
RAE: "So you're probably wondering why I asked you to stay after I ended and well I'm doing an IRL stream in a couple days and I want you to come join us. My chat seemed to like you even if they did flame you at the start and you flamed them back"
Y/N: "Oh wow yeah I'd love to but I've never done and IRL stream before so I don't know if I'll be good for it."
RAE: "You'll be fine don't worry people just naturally like you. Anyway I'll text you the time and place and you better be there" She says in an assertive way which is more cute than assertive.
Y/N: "Of course I will" you say with a little laugh.

As the days pass you continue to stream at your EU friendly hours and really start to acclimatise to life as a streamer in LA.

Friday arrives which is when you are meant to be streaming with Rae IRL. You know there will be a few other people there but you don't know who except from Poki. You are meant to meet Rae at 1PM so you start to get ready.

You finish getting ready earlier than you should've so you chill and watch some YouTube in your room until Imane is ready to go. As you're watching YouTube your phone rings and it's Amy. You pick up.
Y/N: "Hey Amy what's up"
AMY: "Nothing much just wanted to check in and say hi. What are you up to?"
Y/N: "Well I was watching YouTube until I was so rudely interrupted by a phone call" You say teasing Amy.
AMY: "Oh sorry is your best friend taking up your precious YouTube time?" She says sternly.
Y/N: "Umm a little bit yeah" You say as you continue  to tease her.
Y/N: "What are you up to?"
AMY: "Oh you see I'm doing my uni work you know that thing you never did" she says as it's her turn to tease you
Y/N: "Yeah yeah whatever. Hey how is Josh I haven't really spok-" You get cut off before you can ask by Poki jumping onto your bed bouncing you around
Y/N: "Woah Imane what is going on" you say laughing
POKI: "You ready to go now?"
Y/N: "Yeah yeah I'm ready if you are"
POKI: "Cool let's go then"
Y/N: "Okay, Amy I've got to go but you can watch Valkyrae's stream if you miss me too much" Teasing her again
AMY: "Yeah whatever bye" she says dismissing any notion that she misses you.

You meet up with Rae who's already with Jodi and two other people you've never met. Rae spots you and Poki and runs over.
RAE: "Guys you're finally here"
Y/N: "Yeah sorry we're late Imane took an absolute age to get ready"
POKI: "Hey it wasn't that long"
RAE: "Y/N let me introduce you to these two beautiful ladies. This is Tina and Leslie"
You say hi and exchange hugs in meeting. You pick up on Tina smelling unbelievably good.

The stream goes on and you get a message from Amy who decided to watch the stream.
AMY❤️: 'These are the people you hang out with?? They are hot'
'You're watching? I guess you really do miss me huh and yeah they are a bunch of attractive women. You'll outshine them when you get here though x'
RAE: "Hey get off your phone! Who are you talking to huh"
Before you can even answer for yourself Poki interjects herself to the conversation saying
POKI: "Probably Amy I think it's his crush from London"
Y/N: "POKI?!? She's watching the stream don't say that"
*TO THE CAMERA* Y/N: "Amy she doesn't know what she's talking about that's not true" you say blushing for tens of thousands to see.
Amy watching this at home is a blushing mess who can't believe what she's heard Poki say.
RAE: "Okay well this stream has taken a turn hasn't it" she says laughing at the camera.

You endure the rest of the stream with chat making fun of you for what has happened. You and Poki head home together but you're really not happy with her.

You get home and head straight to your room to talk to Amy not realising that the UK is 7 hours ahead of LA and she's probably sleeping by now.

Poki knocks on your door to apologise but you don't want to hear any of it at the moment. Not until you had spoken to Amy first. You decide to call it a night there and hope to fix everything tomorrow.

These chapters are just getting longer and longer. If anyone is reading this please let me know if you think I should try and shorten them from now on.

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