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I know I teased at the end of the last chapter that things may not be as they seem. Let's see what happens then
You wake up at 2pm and head downstairs for some much needed food. You're greeted in the kitchen by Poki and Lily having lunch together.
Y/N: "Hey guys how are you?"
LILY: "I'm doing great thanks for asking! How are you this fine afternoon" You note that Poki stays silent when you ask.
Y/N: "I feel like shit"
LILY: "What? Why?" She asks sounding genuinely worried.
Y/N: "Some stuff happened last night but I don't really want to talk about it sorry"
LILY: "Okay well if you change your mind you know where my room is"
Y/N: "Thanks. I'm gonna take this up to my room see ya"

LILY: "you were up late last night as well do you know what happened to him?"
POKI: "Nope" Thinking in her head 'Yes I do he's into that Amy woman'
LILY: "Hmmm Okay Imane" She says not believing Poki.
LILY: "Well I'm going back to start my stream see you later" She says walking out leaving Poki alone in the kitchen.
POKI: 'I can't believe I hear that whole phone call. Him saying he was into her but it wouldn't work because of the distance but she's coming here in the summer' She thinks about the implications of the phone call and how to handle knowing what she knows and keeping it a secret.
POKI: 'He said there was nothing going on between them. Why would he lie about his feelings for her? Why am I jealous of her?'
(WOAH different POV alert wowowow)

You sit in your room eating your lunch/breakfast watching Toasts stream. You see him die as soon as you join so you decide to do a little bit of trolling.
'You suck toast. Get good man'
Toast reads the message aloud which leads to his chat flaming him as well all because of you.
TOAST: "Okay you know what Y/N come here and say it to my face bitch' Seeing that you've somehow finished eating in record time you decide to go to his room and say it to him.
You swing the door open announcing yourself.
Y/N: "ITS ME Y/N and I'm here to announce that Toast here is bad at video games. Goodbye"
TOAST: "You son of a bitch. Fuck off"
You leaving laughing hysterically.

You get back to your room and jump out of your skin seeing Poki sitting at your desk.
Y/N: "Fuck shit! Imane what are you doing here? You scared the life out of me"
POKI: "Oh sorry. I'm streaming soon but I wanted to see if I could talk to you about something"
Y/N: "Oh sure what's up?"
POKI: "Well I heard you last night on the phone"
Y/N: "What? How? Where you outside listening?"
POKI: "Yes I'm sorry. But do you really have feelings for Amy?"
Y/N: "Poki. I don't want to talk about Amy anymore with you"
POKI: "Do you have feelings for her?" She asks with more venom in her voice
Y/N: "fine yes but we agreed it wouldn't work out"
POKI: "Fuck. Why am I jealous of her"
Y/N: "HUH? Jealous?"
POKI: "Oh shit. I said that out loud didn't I? Okay fine I'll just say it. I think I feel something for you.There"
Y/N: You what? Are you serious right now? This isn't some sick joke?"
POKI: "Im serious." She takes your hand causing your heart rate to spike to new levels.
POKI: "Do you not feel anything for me?"
Y/N: "What? No!" You say lying through your teeth.
POKI: "Really? Your heart rate says otherwise. I can feel your pulse right now."
Y/N: "Okay fine so what maybe I do. You don't make any of your love life public anyway and I don't want to be in a secret relationship. That's not who I am"
POKI: "We can tell people if you want"
Y/N: "But Amy. I can't do that to Amy. Not right now."
POKI: "But you said it wouldn-"  You cut her off
Y/N: "Imane please stop. I need to think this all too much right now"
POKI: "But why?" She asks confused and hurt.
Y/N: "Please can you just go. You have to stream now anyway." You usher her out of your room and too hers.

Back in your room you pace around thinking to yourself about the clusterfuck of a 24 hours you've been having.
'what the fuck is happening first Amy and now Imane? This can't be true'
You turn on Poki's stream and can see that she's visibly all over the place. What you said and did has clearly taken its toll on her.
'Fuck, look at her man. Look at what I did'
You put on your headphones and blast The Beatles . That always helps you calm down and forget about what's going on even if it's just for a bit.

You end up falling asleep to the pure greatness of The Beatles. Once you wake up you realise that you haven't streamed at a good time for your NA audience so you haul yourself to your PC and start streaming for the second time today.
CHAT: '2 streams no shot!!!'
Y/N: "Yeah hey guys second stream of the day. I felt bad for the NA audience streaming at 6am"

You have a good solo stream just talking to chat and playing games. It's getting late so you decide to have a shower and get some food and call it a night.

—————Time jump a few days——————
You haven't really spoken to Amy or Imane about what happened and have sort of been a recluse in your bedroom. That is until Toast comes knocking on your door for OTV game night. You oblige and go downstairs to play poker of all things. You aren't very good at poker so you go bust relatively quickly.

Game night wraps up with Scarra bankrupting everyone else left at the table. You stay downstairs with Toast having a chat and some drinks.
TOAST: "Hey man haven't seen you much around the house. Everything okay?"
Y/N: "Ummm yeah I guess so just been a wild few days recently. Needed some time to process it on my own. Sorry being a bit of a social pariah"
TOAST: "Hey man it's okay we all go through it. All that matters is how we come out the other side of it all."
Y/N: You're right Toast thanks. You are a wise old man" you say mocking him as you're the youngest in the group.
The conversation is cut short by the doorbell ringing.
TOAST: "you order some food?"
Y/N: "No. I thought it was for you. I'll get it anyway"
You open the door to see a figure staring back at you. You're stunned, you don't know what to say or more accurately you can't say anything.
??: "Hi"
Well there you go we've got a sad poki, a confused Y/N and a mystery person at the door.

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