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You were sat at your desk after your phone call with Imane feeling something you couldn't quite understand just yet. It was a strange feeling of sadness but why were you feeling this? You wanted this closure and for everything to be over. This chapter of your life is finished. Right?

You were snapped back to reality by the sound of someone knocking on your door. As you make your way downstairs you trip on something that you'd left on the stairs and are sent tumbling down. You land at the door and answer it brushing off the embarrassing moment just thankful nobody was there to see it happen.
Y/N: "Ah I should've known it would be you"
RAE: "Please don't sound too excited to see me" She says teasingly.
Y/N: "You know I love seeing you now come in" You say as you gently pull her into your house.
RAE: "So I read the posts. How are you doing?"
Y/N: "I'm good. This is what I wanted. It's finally done"
RAE: "Yeah I know but still I'm happy you're finally mine properly"
Y/N: "Oh is that so? Well I would have to-" You're cut off by a deafening shout from Rae.
RAE: "Y/N! What the hell happened here?" She says pointing at your leg which you now see is bleeding.
Y/N: "Oh shit that must have happened when I fell down the stairs answering the door. I'll go clean it up now"
RAE: "Uh you will do no such thing I will clean it up now sit"
Y/N: "Rae honestly it's fine"
RAE: "No more words out of you. Doctors orders!"
You go to refuse again but sigh in defeat. This wasn't a battle you were going to win.
A few minutes later she comes back with a first aid kit and starts to clean up your cut which now you properly look at is a bit bigger than you thought.
RAE: "How do you even fall down the stairs you dummy"
Y/N: "Well if someone wasn't so impatiently banging on the door I wouldn't have been in a rush" She doesn't reply but looks up to you from tending to your leg with a look of guilt and sadness at your implication that she was the reason you fell.
Y/N: "Hey I'm joking it's fine. It was my fault I left something on the stairs and tripped on it"
RAE: "I hate you" She says going back to your leg.
As she cleans your cut you look at her, properly taking in all of her features. She's so beautiful but in her eyes you see someone so caring and loving. You get lost just appreciating the person in front of you until you feel her shake your leg to let you know she was done putting a bandage on.
RAE: "What?" She says noticing you staring at her.
Y/N: "Nothing. You're just so pretty"
RAE: "Oh stop it you." She says blushing madly.
Y/N: "So... I think it's time we have a little date don't you?"
RAE: "Really? What do you have in mind?"
Y/N: "Well I was thinking we could go down to the pier and play some games where I win you a cuddly toy just like in the movies. Then we could go and get something to eat and sit on the beach for a bit"
RAE: "Uh huh" she interjects as you're still not done.
Y/N: "Then we could go back to your place and-"
RAE: "Yeah I like the sound of that" She says again interrupting you with a look of lust in her eyes.
Y/N: "And stream for a bit wrapping up our day of fun"
RAE: "Stream? Yeah we could stream that's what I was thinking as well" She replies trying to hide her disappointment that it didn't go where she wanted it to go.
RAE: "Okay I'll be back here in half an hour I'm going to get ready"
Y/N: "Okay sounds good" You can't help but fall for her a bit more when you see how excited she was to go out with you.

Sure enough half an hour later Rae knocks on the door to which you open quickly.
Y/N: "Who is this beautiful lady and what did you do with Rae?" You tease as every time you've been around her she hasn't been in a full get up with makeup and all the works.
RAE: "Fuck you"
Y/N: "I know you want to. Anyway shall we take your car?"
RAE: "I-" Is all she can let out at your brazen remark and how quickly you moved on from it.

In the car you put on music and sang awfully the whole way making Rae laugh. You felt like you really could be yourself around her and didn't have to put on any kind of mask. Soon enough you arrived at the pier and jumped out before Rae so you could run around and open her door for her like a true gentleman but truth be told you were just doing what you had seen in the movies.
Y/N: "M'lady" You say as you open the door for her and take her hand.
RAE: "Thank you sir" she replies playing into the bit.
You notice that she didn't let go of your hand as you were walking down the pier but you were certainly not going to complain about that.
Y/N: "Which one do you want?" You ask as you point to the wide range of toys you can win at these games.
RAE: "That one" she says on her tip toes as she points to a pink fluffy thing. I couldn't tell you what animal it was if it even was an animal but the lady gets what the lady wants.
Y/N: "Your wish is my command" You say as you step forward to play the game. You had to throw a ball and knock cans down which seems simple enough but you know these are always rigged in one way or another. They didn't however account for your talent with a ball in your hand as you knock the cans down with ease with one remaining as you have two balls left.
Y/N: "Do I need to knock them all down to win that one?" You say to the person in charge as you point to the toy Rae wanted. He nods in response. You take a step back and unleash a rocket knocking down the can that was definitely stuck down to the counter otherwise it would've fallen with the rest.
??: "We have a winner congratulations. This is the one you wanted right?" The person in charge confirms as you take the toy off him.
RAE: "Well that was something Y/N. I didn't think you'd do it"
Y/N: "Eh I played cricket in school I'm alright with a ball in my hand"
RAE: "Cricket?"
Y/N: "Oh yeah it's like baseball but older and the rest of the world play it. It wouldn't catch on in America though"
RAE: "Huh so those hands are good for something I guess" You're slightly taken aback by Rae but you see a golden opportunity to fillip it back on her as you lean down to whisper in her ear.
Y/N: "Oh these hands are good for more than just that. You'll see" You whisper as you can feel her tense up a bit hearing your words.
Y/N: "The look on your face wow" You say laughing as she recovers herself from what you said.
RAE: "Don't do that" she says hitting you with the toy you just won for her.
Y/N: "Hey I just double downed on you"
RAE: "Yeah yeah whatever let's just play more games"
Y/N: "Gladly"
You and Rae spend another hour or so playing games and winning prizes before you head to a restaurant for an early dinner.
Y/N: "Umm Rae are you forgetting something?"
RAE: "What do you mean?" Instead of answering you just point at the tower of plushy toys that she's holding.
RAE: "Oh yeah let's put these in the car" She says giggling. That damn laugh you think to yourself. That's dangerous.

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