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You wake up again with a face full of hair as Imane has nestled into you in bed. In an attempt to get up without waking her you knock a lamp off of her bedside table starling Imane and waking her up.
POKI: "What's going on? Are we being robbed?" She asks panicked and confused.
Y/N: "No sorry it was me. I was trying not to wake you up and I knocked over the lamp"
POKI: "Idiot" she says teasing you bringing you in for a kiss.
Y/N: "I could get used to this" You say in between kisses.
Y/N: "So... Breakfast?"
POKI: "It's 1:30 in the afternoon but yeah sure"
You both go downstairs separately so as to not draw any kind of suspicion towards the two of you whilst you still get to grips with what your relationship is.

Y/N: "Good afternoon guys. What are you all up to today?"
TOAST: "Someone is in a surprisingly good mood all things considered." He says looking at you like you're a mad man
Y/N: "Yeah, I guess I am."
Y/N: "It's time for a fresh start my boy" You say patting Toast on the shoulder.
LILY: "So what are you up to today Y/N"
Y/N: "I'm not sure to be honest. I'm not streaming today so I might go to the gym. It's long overdue"
TOAST: "Bro you're 6'3 and already in good shape go do something fun with you're time." (I HAVE HAD TO STEAL CHARACTERISTICS FROM MYSELF HERE)
Y/N: "Hey! The gym is fun. You wanna come?" You ask
TOAST: "Ummmm no. But I think Poki is going to the gym today you should go with her"
Y/N: "Hmmm that's not a bad idea toasty boy"
You text Imane asking if she wants to go to the gym with you and she is more than enthusiastic.

You and Imane get to the gym which is one of the most expensive gyms in the area so you don't have to deal with fans whilst working out.
Y/N: "so what do you want to workout today?"
POKI: "Today I'm gonna do some legs and cardio. Sound good for you as well?"
Y/N: "Yeah sure I'm up for whatever"
You and Imane jump on the treadmill for a couple mile warm up. You blast your music through earphones and get running.

After about 20 minutes you slow the treadmill down and jump off.
POKI: "You're done already?"
Y/N: "Yeah 3 miles right? It's a good little warm up"
POKI: "Warmup?? What the hell I'm only halfway through my second mile"
Y/N: "Oh speed up then" you say teasing her
POKI: "Shut up"
Once Imane is done with her cardio you go to the weight room to get some squats in.
POKI: "Hey Y/N can you spot me?"
Y/N: "Yeah sure"
You stand behind Imane as she squats and you try your hardest not to look at her ass as she squats in front of you. You decide to throw caution to the wind and say something risqué.
Y/N: "Nice ass Imane"
POKI: "Uh- Stop it not in public you naughty boy" She says as you can see her blushing in the mirror in front of her.
Y/N: "Sorry sorry it's just right there."
Imane finishes her sets and unloads the rack for you.
POKI: "You want me to spot you?"
Y/N: "Ummm nah I'm good thanks I think I'll take it easy today"
POKI: "Okay how much do you want on the bar?"
Y/N: "I'm not too sure think I'll go with 200 pounds"
POKI: "Huh?? That's taking it easy?"
Y/N: "umm I think so. That's the right conversion right? I'm used to kilograms not pound. Whatever 90KG is in pounds."
POKI: "Okay mr strongman whatever you say"

You both finish the rest of your leg workouts and head home.
POKI: "That was good we should workout together more often"
Y/N: "Yeah it was fun. You need to work on your mile time though" you say mocking her
POKI: "Shut up" she says hitting your arm. "Who knew, you were a gym freak"
Y/N: "Oh I'm not I just used to go a lot before my morning lectures"
POKI: "Well whatever you did it worked"
Y/N: "Do you want to go out for dinner? Like to a restaurant"
POKI: "Oh umm yeah sure that sounds nice. I guess we're really together wow"
Y/N: "Okay great. We are getting dressed up tonight"

You get home and start to get ready for the first date with Imane. After almost 2 hours you're ready to go and message Imane to see if she's ready.
IMANE❤️‍🔥: I'll be ready in 5 minutes wait downstairs xx
You go downstairs and wait knowing she wants to make a grand entrance and are met by Toast watching TV
TOAST: "Woah someone's dressed up. What you doing?"
Y/N: "Umm well I've sort of got a date tonigh-"
You're interrupted by Poki coming downstairs in a black sleek dress leaving you stunned.
POKI: "What do you think?" She asks eagerly waiting for you to say you like it.
Y/N: "I- uh- Wow. You look beautiful"
Before Toast can even begin to unpack what's happening you bring her into your arms and kiss her.
TOAST: "Okay what the fuck is this" Toast speaking breaks the kiss and brings you both back down to earth. You both forgot Toast was in the room.
POKI: "Oh right. Me and Y/N are kind of seeing each other now"
TOAST: "Well congrats I guess. I really did not see this coming."
POKI: "We should go now if we want to make our reservation"
Y/N: "Yeah you're right let's go. See ya Toast"

The date goes well as you enjoy your food and wine in the uber romantic setting of the restaurant. You learn a lot about Imane which just really proves to you how much of a great woman she is and leads you to question how you're with her.

You get home and see that there is nobody in the living room so you decide to carry Imane upstairs bridal style.
Y/N: "I knew all those gym sessions would come in handy"
POKI: "You saying I'm heavy?"
Y/N: "Yeah walked right into that one didn't I" you say letting out a little laugh.
POKI: "I'm just playing. Are you going to be joining me in my room tonight?"
Y/N: "Well I mean if you want me to then yeah of course."
POKI: "I want nothing more"
Y/N: "Then it would be my pleasure my darling"
POKI: "Oof the accent and the word darling just get me"

You lie Imane down in her bed and run to get changed for bed. When you get back you see poki in more revealing night clothing than before.
Y/N: "and I thought you couldn't look better than you did in that dress"
POKI: "You just always know what to say don't you. Now come here" she says pulling you into her bed. After some making out you fall asleep spooning her in what could only described as perfection.

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