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You both pull away from the kiss and look into each other's eyes.
Y/N: "Umm...Wow"
RAE: "Yeah. That was nice" She says catching her breath.
She pulls you in for another kiss, this more passionate than the last but you pull away from it quickly.
Y/N: "Rae, you're drunk"
RAE: "So are you" She says leaning into you again but this time you swerve it slightly.
Y/N: "Yeah but not as drunk as you. Rae I just don't feel right doing it like this." You pick her head up and look into her eyes before continuing. "Trust me I'd love to do this but when you're in a better state of mind"
RAE: "O- Oh okay" She says sounding disappointed but understanding what you mean.
RAE: "Do you want to crash here. I know you live literally 20 seconds away but you never know and I'd feel better if you were safe here"
Y/N: "Yeah if you're sure" you say smiling at her.
RAE: "Okay but I have an early stream so you'll probably be woken up by screaming"
Y/N: "Can think of worse things to be woken up by than your voice" you say giving a cringe wink.
RAE: "Okay definitely bedtime for you" she says standing up and almost falling straight back down.
Y/N: "Okay here we go" You say picking her up bridal style and carrying her to her bed.
Y/N: "By the way where am I sleeping?" You ask and she points to the room directly across from hers in answer.
Y/N: "Okay goodnight little one" you say as you drop her into her bed. Expecting her to fire back with pillows you turn away but are surprised to see her already passed out. 'She looks cute' You think to yourself before heading to the room you'd be sleeping in.
——————Next morning—————
'What the fuck' You think to yourself as you realise that you're not in your own bed and all the memories of last night come flooding back. You check the time and see it's midday and you're hungry. You go to Rae's kitchen to try and cook something up for lunch for yourself and her.
You end up making a hangover classic from your uni days in the form of an English fry up. You head upstairs and knock on Rae's door to which there's no answer. 'She must have her headphones' on you think to yourself. You swing the door open and yell as loud as you could being somewhat hungover.
RAE: "Holy shit what the fuck man" she says laughing.
Y/N: "I come bearing food. A hangover essential. I present to you and English fry up made by an Englishman"
RAE: "Awww you didn't have to cook for me" she says clenching her heart.
Y/N: "Please it's the least I could do" you say handing her the plate.
The whole time the chat was confused by you being there.
RAE: "Oh right guys so basically the lovely Y/N here lives 2 doors down from me and we may have gotten a little drunk last night so he crashed here"
Y/N: "Chat you should have seen it. Little miss over here couldn't even walk straight. I had to carry her up the stairs"
Y/N: "Anyway let me know how the food is I'll be downstairs if you need anything"
RAE: "Do you want to join the stream? We can play some games"
Y/N: "Umm yeah sure why not"
RAE: "Great" Rae's chat got excited by you joining the stream.

You play some games and beat Rae every time teasing her every time.
RAE: "Okay you know what. This is the last time we play games like this. From now on you will only be on my team when we play games"
Y/N: "Aww but then I can't mock you as much. That's no fun"
RAE: "You see this chat. This is a love hate relationship. I say he's good at games and all he can do is take the piss out of me"
Y/N: "Hey it's what I do" You say shrugging your shoulders.
RAE: "Okay chat that was good fun but I'm afraid that's where we are gonna have to end it. Thanks to Y/N for joining and thanks to you all for watching"
Rae ends the stream and turns to you.
RAE: "You wanna get some food?"
Y/N: "Yeah sounds good. Order whatever you want"

You head downstairs and as you start to eat it dawns on you what you've done by being with Rae all day and letting everyone see that you've got good chemistry together and almost on cue your phone rings.
IMANE: "You stayed the night at Rae's? What the fuck"
Y/N: "Really? YOU are angry at ME?" You ask almost offended.
IMANE: "Yes. What did you two do? I know something must have happened"
Y/N: "Nothing happened Imane. I'm allowed to have friends you know. I really can't believe the nerve for you to come at me after what you did. Do you know how audacious that shit is?"
After a moment of silence you get an answer.
IMANE: "You're right. I'm sorry" she says sniffling. You can tell she's starting to cry.
IMANE: "I'm sorry about everything Y/N. I don't know why I did it. I didn't even like him it was just a dumb mistake. You were in London and you seemed so distant before you left"
Y/N: "Clearly you didn't fucking like me that much either did you? Did it really only take me being gone for week for you to get bored?"
IMANE: "No. I wasn't bored of you Y/N. It was a mistake I know. Can we talk about this in person please?"
Y/N: "You know what fine yeah let's get this over with in person. You know where Rae's house is" You say as you hang up the phone not really wanting to end things with her just yet.
RAE: "That sounded intense. Are you really going to end it with her?"
Y/N: "To be honest not really. But she betrayed my trust and then had the nerve to get angry with me.
RAE: "I get you. Just don't do anything rash and remember I'm here if you want to talk" she says giving you a hug as you leave to wait outside for Imane.

After about 15 minutes Imane arrives and you can see she's been crying.
IMANE: "Y/N... I'm sorry"
Y/N: "Yeah I know you're sorry you've said that. But why are you sorry? Is it because I caught you or because you truly regret doing it?"
IMANE: "Of course I regret doing it. I fucked up big I know but I don't want to lose you" She says tearing up.
Y/N: "I'm sorry Imane but it's a little difficult to look past it. You completely betrayed all the trust I had in you, in us." You say as you start to tear up.
Y/N: "Fuck man. I really thought I finally found the one for me and this is how it ends." You say now with a face flowing with tears.
IMANE: "No. No Y/N it doesn't have to end. I know I fucked up and I'm sorry but we can work past it. Please"
Y/N: "Work past it? What if I go back to London or go anywhere for more than a week and leave you alone here? I'd be a mess imagining everything that could be happening"
You get up from where you had been sitting and start to walk off.
IMANE: "Y/N wait! Please" She says getting up and pulling on your arm.
Y/N: "Please Imane stop. This is done." You say hanging your head not even turning to look at her. You get your arm free and carry on walking away from Imane.
IMANE: "Y/N NO! I love you!" Hearing this sends a shockwave through your body and stops you dead.
Y/N: "What did you just say?" You turn to look at her in her eyes.
IMANE: "I love you Y/N" She says smiling and staring into your eyes.
Ooooo what happens next? You'll have to wait and see :)
Also this chapter is shorter but the last one was like 2100 words so I wanted to make the next one shorter .

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