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You were downstairs playing card games with your old housemates, Imane was next to you on one side and Yvonne on the other side. You were eager to talk to Imane more about what happened but you understood that she just wanted to have a nice time with you and the rest of the house without any of the drama, she must have missed having you around. 

After a few games and some food Imane was getting tired so she excused the two of you to go back up to her room.  

POKI: "Sooo..." 

Y/N: "You want to talk about what happened?" 

POKI: "Those things you said about me, did you really mean what you said?" She asked tentatively. 

Y/N: "Of course Imane" 

POKI: "But how? I did such a horrible thing to you, how could you think I was a beautiful person on the inside" You sighed a little before answering her. 

Y/N: "Because I know you've become better because of it. If you learn and don't repeat it ,be it to me or anyone else, then I forgive you. Being able to grow as a person and learn from mistakes is an attractive quality to have Imane." 

POKI: "I would never do it again, I just- I wasn't thinking when it all happened" 

Y/N: "Then we're good" You said flashing a smile to her. 

POKI: "I missed your smile" 

This woman knew how to make you weak in the knees and that made her dangerous. 

Y/N: "So the kiss..."

POKI: "Do you regret it this time?" 

Y/N: "Honestly" She looked at you with eyes filled with hope. 

Y/N: "No, not at all" You answered. 

POKI: "Really?" She asked moving closer to you on her bed. You nodded in reply before flipping the question back to her. 

Y/N: "Do you?" 

POKI: "I didn't regret it the first time" 

Y/N: "So where do we go from here?" 

POKI: "I don't know to be completely honest. You know I'd love to be with you again but I'm sure that you'd be a bit apprehensive with all things considered." 

Y/N: "Have you ever wondered why I forgave you and not Rae?" 

POKI: "I've thought about it but I never found a real answer that made sense to me." 

Y/N: "Okay so I guess I'll be completely honest with you. While I kind of went missing for six months I missed you, I missed everyone but I missed you so damn much but that time away from it all was something I needed so much." She made nods of understanding to you as you continued to speak.  

Y/N: "So I knew when I was ready to come back to it all I didn't want to be away from you, I just couldn't, and Aria really helped me see things clearly between the two of us. I didn't want to be away from you and I wasn't ready to be in a relationship but I knew that I needed you as a friend but now maybe I need you more than that" You said rambling. 

POKI: "I missed you so much as well when you were gone." She said saving you from your rambling. 

Y/N: "I forgave you because you meant so much to me that I couldn't lose you over something as silly as what happened between us. I found it in myself to move on from it all" 

You were about to continue your rambling when you were cut off by Imane's lips connecting with yours. It was just like earlier if not even deeper considering everything you had aired out. 

Twists And Turns (A streamer Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora