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I have been inactive slightly but here we go I finally have a day off school to write this and we got to 15k reads while I was gone so that's pretty cool. Anyways enjoy :)


ARIA: "Hey we finally have the dates for TwitchCon are you coming?" She yells waking you up from what was an uncomfortable nights sleep.

Y/N: "Okay first of all its 9am why are you shouting? But umm yeah that would be pretty fun when is it?" You ask waking up and realising you aren't in your bed.

Y/N: "Wait am I on your couch?"

ARIA: "Yeah you fell asleep last night when we were looking for places and I didn't want to wake you up so I just let you crash here for the night. Also the event is from the 7th to 10th of October."

Y/N: "That's in like 2 weeks are we going to have enough time to sort out the new place before then?" You ask as you get up and reveal your unclothed upper body.

ARIA: "Uhm Y/N..." she says pointing at you whilst blushing ever so slightly.

Y/N: "What?... Oh come on really? You're a child you know that right? Its not like I'm naked"

ARIA: "Yeah whatever but yes we should have enough time to figure out the living situation before we have to leave for TwitchCon"

Y/N: "Perfect we decided on the one with the pool right? Well that was my choice anyway"

ARIA: "Yeah I think that's the best place out there at the moment so lets get right on it"

Y/N: "Alright alright I'll go home and get cleaned up then I'll call the realtor and hopefully we can get this done ASAP"

ARIA: "Okay let me know how it goes see ya" She says as you leave her apartment for the short two minute walk back to your apartment.

You couldn't quite believe that you were moving in with Aria but she was there for you when you thought you were going to be all alone. It was like god saw you struggling and sent her to you. You still don't know why you decided to answer her call out of all of the calls you got that day but you were more than thankful for it. Living with her couldn't go wrong could it?

You got back to your place and had a quick shower before making some breakfast. You weren't too hungry so it was just a smoothie to start the day off and once that was done it was time to contact the real estate company.

Y/N: "Okay so it should be ready to move into within the week? That's perfect thank you"

REALTOR: "Pleasure to help you today sir. We can send you the contracts or you can come to the office to sign and speed up the process"

Y/N: "I'll stop by the office and sign today thanks"

REALTOR: "Our pleasure" The realtor says as you hang up and go to call Aria straight away.

Y/N: "Aria we got it! We can move in this week!"

ARIA: "Are you serious?!?!?!" She squeals back as you move the phone away from your ear to keep your hearing intact.

Y/N: "I am being very serious yes. So start packing your shit up while I go and sign all the paperwork"

ARIA: "Okay okay thank you. This is going to be so great"

Y/N: "Yeah I'm looking forward to it too. I'll see you in a bit okay"

ARIA: "Okay see you soon!"

With that you head to the real estate office to get this house purchased. You still really should get a car, ordering Ubers everywhere is starting to take its toll on your bank balance.

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