2. Situations

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Class 2A


"Sports Festival?"

"Yes, the Sports Festival."

Wrapping his hands together and placing them down on the desk, the greenette looked at Principal Nezu in the eye. "The Sports Festival?"

"Yes. The Sports Festival."

Leaning back on his chair and nodding, Midoriya looked at the ceiling. "Let me get this straight... you want me to speak at the Sports Festival?"

"Just the first year one is fine. And the second year one too if you're up for it." The white furred bear, mouse, animal thingy mabob stated, standing up on his chair. "It would be uplifting for the school to listen to you."

Izuku stroked the peach fuzz growing on his chin, thoroughly honored, but at the same time kind of skeptical. "You know I'm not the best with words Principal Nezu... I had to have Yaoyorozu speak for me half the time during the elections."

"Yet the words you did say captivated everyone so much as to swaying them to vote for you. I saw it myself." He said, watching the successor ponder on his words.

"Is it cold in here, or is it just me?" The greenette suddenly shivered, looking around the room for a thermostat. His eyes widened when he read '8°C.' He looked at Nezu with confusion on his face. "Why?"

"I'm more comfortable cold. You see this suit?" Nezu turned around and lowered his neck collar, showing his student a very intricate looking device. "It's a portable air conditioner!"

"Please don't tell me you wear that all day..."

"I do!"

Izuku was thoroughly dumbfounded, but just a tad bit curious at how it felt. Shaking his head to forget about said thoughts, he eyed a painting of the talking animal standing in front of him. "Can Yaoyorozu speak with me? She's the Vice President after all."

"If she's fine with it, of course."

Izuku nodded, standing up from the comfortable chair and bowing. "Thank you Principal Nezu. I'll get back to you by the end of the week."

"Have a good day Midoriya. Oh and..." Nezu reached for a small box on the ground, tossing it to the latter. "My gift."

Puzzled, the greenette opened it, pulling out a very similar device as to what he was shown a few moments ago. Scanning the portable AC, Midoriya turned to his Principal and grinned, waving as he left the room.




"Sports Festival is next week. So get ready." A scruffy man said, before falling onto his chair.



"Can you shut the FUCK UP!"

"Someone is scared I'm coming for their title! Isn't that so Kacchan."

"YOU WANNABE PIKACHU BASTARD!" Bakugou muttered through gritted teeth, raising his fist to the electro boy, but not being able to do anything because a certain erasure hero was staring daggers at him.

While Bakugou held in the urge to absolute murder Kaminari, someone walked through the door, gaining everyone's attention.

"Well if it isn't our dear old nerd of a president." Bakugou said with his arms crossed and a small grin forcing its way onto his face.

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