8. Affairs

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Alas, they were back in school after the eventful weekend. The first year Sports Festival was a success, and a huge enjoyment for everyone who watched. The faculty, especially All Might and Principal Nezu, were confused as to why Midoriya hadn't shown up, but in no way were they complaining since Todoroki and Ashido gave such an impactful speech.

"So our Sports Festival is in a few days. We're gonna leave everything the way it was right?"

"Well, we still have to clean up. I bet the mess is huge."

"Yeah you can only bet, since you and Yaoyorozu were off probably doing inappropriate things to each other." Mina stated, her statement coming off as genuinely serious, one that Midoriya couldn't help but blush at.

"Why does everything have to be sexual with you?"

"Well they do say I'm the love guru. And sex guru too! I know all about both subjects through extensive research! Just missing a little field training that I can't really get currently."

Izuku closed his eyes in both annoyance and slight embarrassment at what the girl was saying. The fact that she could have absolutely zero filter, even in a school setting, always amazed him.

It was a little past three, school having ended about twenty minutes prior. Momo hadn't shown up, for a reason all three of them weren't sure of. To be fair, the days following the Sports Festival were kind of awkward concerning the pair. Izuku remembered waking up at night in Yaoyorozu's room, the girl fast asleep holding onto him. He was nervous yeah, but he felt good wrapped around her. However, knowing that he couldn't stay the night, he left and slept in his own room.

Was she avoiding him? I mean... they couldn't really hang out since they were both sleepyheads that couldn't stay awake for a full few hours.

'I wish I could talk with her but... I'll give her space.'

Of course, that was the worst thing he could possibly do in this situation, but oh well.

"Hey Todoroki, wanna come with me to the Support Course Room? I kind of want to make some costume modifications."



Midoriya sighed, watching Ashido fall to her knees in front of him and beg. "Why did I pick you as my Secretary?" He muttered under his breath, causing a vein to pop out of the pink girl's forehead, and a fist to strike his head.


"You have none. If you would've lost to me in a boxing match, no way you could beat Midoriya."

"WHAT?!" Ashido yelled, putting up her fists in a fighting position, Todoroki doing the same.

"Guys, guys!" Izuku tried, but sighed as he watched his friends begin to clobber each other. "I can't with this right now."

He left the room, closing the door softly on his way out (a VERY expensive door, so as softly as possible), and walked towards the main hallway. Being alone in UA after hours felt really nice to be honest... no noise, no crowds, no nothing; it was so peaceful.

Midoriya felt so conflicted at the moment concerning Momo. Did she like him? Did she not? It was way too hard to tell. Izuku's image of her had changed quite significantly after her breakdown. Not in a bad way... no, not at all. He couldn't help but put her in a new light, destroying the thoughts he had that she was completely composed as a person. In reality, she was just like him... a person who was still fighting a battle with themselves.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now