13. Concentration

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Every movement, every hand placement, every intricate detail that others can't see... has to be perfect.

The utmost concentration and precision. The steadiest you can possibly keep your hands and body. The accurate lining up of the arrow, with the target. The perfect amount of pull... for the perfect amount of force on release.

With all of these details in mind, a raven haired girl pulled back on the string and arrow, aiming straight for the red dot about forty feet away.

Releasing with the essence of a professional, the arrow whirled through the air, before striking... right below the red dot.

"Ugh. This is the fifth time already."

Taking a seat on a tree stump, she stared at the big target, the red dot in the middle mocking her since it was completely untouched.

"Fifth time with no adjustments. It's like you're not even trying to hit the target at this point." An old man said, standing a few feet away with his arms crossed.

"I am. I don't know what's going on."

"It seems to me like your mind is preoccupied. The prodigy of the Yaoyorozu household has finally lost her concentration it would seem."

Flustered, Momo harrumphed and turned her head away with a pout.

"Oh don't be like that, I'm only teasing ya! Seriously Momo, you need to get your head out of whatever's bothering you. Or whatever's distracting you."

"It's a long story that I tried telling my father, but he couldn't be bothered to listen! Well... at least you care more than him. He won't even bat an eye."

"My son is a strange one indeed. He loves you so much, yet doesn't show it. Odd."

"Well, you raised him that way Grampa!"

The old man took his glasses off, peering off into the distance in thought. "No... I didn't. He went off into his own world after he left the house. And then became enamored with money. Money can make a man go rogue... Well, at least you're set for life!"

Yaoyorozu giggled for a moment, just sitting there, before biting the inside of her lip gently. It seemed like her whole world was slowly but surely washing away. She drifted further from her family by the day, she drifted even further from her school friends by the day... it was upsetting. Well, at least she still had her grandpa, but she only saw him during archery practice.

"Kiddo, you've been like that on and off for the past two hours. Where is your head at?" The old man said heartily, spinning a miniature bow in his hand. Yaoyorozu thought for a few moments, before sighing and slumping forward.

"A boy."

"...Do I need to use the shotgun?"

"No!" Momo said quickly, the older man chuckling deeply at his joke before watching his granddaughter fiddle with her fingers. "I just want it to end well when all's said and done."

"Well, this 'boy' must have a screw loose or something if he's paying no mind to you and making you act all depressed. Seriously, what is up with this generation? All of these emo kids with their dang phones, watching porn and doing drugs instead of settling down with a nice lady and living a sober life. Getting into the wrong things instead of working towards a nice future... I bet you fell for one of those, eh?"

"No, not at all." Yaoyorozu's eyes glistened at the thought of him, before she shook her head and stared at the ground. "Midoriya. He's the boy. I'm sure you've never–"

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ