23. Sentiments

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Behind the Scenes


"Just look at them. It should've been me."

"Get over it Itsuka. Be happy for them instead of sulking about it so much."


"You like him too? Oh my goodness President really is a chick magnet and a half. Geez..." A voice said over both of their shoulders, as the two girls turned to a surprised Mina Ashido.

"I mean he's pretty gosh darn cute so I see why." Setsuna shrugged, before grabbing Kendo's hands and shaking them rapidly. "But you're a pretty girl too so go find someone else!"

"I agree!" Mina added.

"It doesn't work like that!" Itsuka exclaimed, pulling her hands back and throwing them into the air. "I can't just find someone like that out of the blue! Who would even–"

As if on cue, her eyes landed on someone. She hadn't even apologized to him yet. Setsuna followed her eyes and cringed when she saw who Kendo was looking at. Mina did the same, but instead, put a hand on the orange haired girl's shoulder.

"Now I'm not so sure a rebound is a good idea... especially not him." Tokage muttered, but was drowned out by Ashido who spoke over her.

"I think you should go talk to him and clear things up! He hasn't really been the same since the Sports Festival. Maybe you should give him a chance!" Mina truly was the best wingman/love guru when she wanted to be. The three girls all eyed Denki from afar, who was currently busy cleaning up with the other guys after their Civil War recreation. "Like, Kaminari's an attractive guy, has a good personality, and is really funny! What more could you ask?"

"Yeah, but he's not Midoriya." Itsuka said in a low voice, gripping her hands as she turned her attention to the back of Izuku's head as he spoke with Momo.

"I'm sure that's just your hormones talking! Are you really in love with him? Or is it the same old fan-girly type crush every other female in the school has on him. Except for me of course because coaches don't play!" Mina stated seriously, pointing a finger at Itsuka while Setsuna was stroking her nonexistent beard in thought.

"I mean... I want him. If that answers your question." Kendo replied truthfully. She was opened minded and upfront, so she had no problem saying whatever was on her mind. The girl giggled quietly and said in a whisper, "I asked him for sex... can you guys believe that? I got naked in front of him."

"YOU WHAT?!" Both Tokage and Ashido shouted in rhythm, the big sister of 2B quickly shushing them and putting a big hand to their mouths.

"It was spur of the moment!"

"What did he say?! Did you guys actually..." Ashido gaped, but a shake of Itsuka's head relieved any thoughts that Izuku had lost his virginity to someone that wasn't Momo.

Kendo banged her head against the picnic table softly, turning it to the side so she could see the rest of 2A scatter with the last bits of props. It was nearing sunset, as the first day of the culture festival was coming to a close. "Even as I stood in front of him with everything out for him to do as he wanted... he said no."

"That's what love does to you." Ashido nodded her head with a flattened mouth, putting a hand to her cheek as she stared at Izuku and Momo. "You could have that too if you let go of your little crush on our dear old President and instead show your boobs to someone else."

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now