9. Incidents

954 28 13

A Bet...?


"You could call it... a little treat before our Sports Festival tomorrow. I hope all of you have been training your asses off by the way."

The class stood stricken in place. There was no way they heard that correctly.

"The... zoo?! Why on earth would we want to go to the- ACK-"

"Be grateful." Aizawa muttered through gritted teeth, retracting his capture item from around Bakugou's face and shaking his head. "This is the first time UA ever does something like this... so take advantage of it and have some fun. We leave in half an hour, so talk amongst yourselves... quietly. I have a date with my sleeping bag."

While Eraserhead knocked out in his yellow sleeping bag, the class began to mutter quietly, taking heed of Aizawa's warning.

"I've never been to the zoo." Shoto said, lying his head on his desk, Momo looking at the ceiling in thought.

"To be honest... I don't think I have either."

"You're both stupid rich... and you've never been to the zoo?!" Mineta exclaimed, causing a feeling of dread to shoot through him, Aizawa glaring at him with one eye.

"No, I was too busy being abused and overworked by my father."

"I was too busy working and studying my ass off because of my parents."

Momo and Shoto were staring at Mineta with the most nonchalant, yet scary gazes the midget had ever seen. So much so that he began to rethink whether their homeroom teacher was all that scary.

"Anyway, this sounds like a perfect excuse to relax and forget about school for once." Yaoyorozu said to the boy next to her, causing him to nod his head with a flattened mouth.

"Considering we have our Sports Festival tomorrow... it's much needed."

"Which by the way, I'M winning! So you'd better get ready Icyhot, because I'm gonna MURDE-" A certain angry Pomeranian (more like a chihuahua anyway) stopped in his tracks, making sure he didn't say anything too loud. "You and that nerd are both gonna lose tomorrow."

"Is that so Bakugou?" Momo interjected, crossing her arms and smirking, much to his confusion.

"Uh... yeah."

"I'll bet you two hundred thousand yen that President wins tomorrow."

"TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND?!" Katsuki shouted, before feeling something wrap around his neck instantly, choking him just enough for him to fall on the ground in pain.


"A-Agh... S-Sor- S-SORRY!!"

The capture item unwrapped itself from the boy's neck, as he stood up once again and acted like nothing happened. Bakugou took a seat on Mineta's desk, and squinted at the raven haired beauty.

"You seem to have a lot of confidence in him."

"I do." Momo said with a big grin, causing him to squint his eyes even more, to the point where he couldn't even see her anymore.

"I wonder why..."

Suddenly, a hand grasped his shoulder, causing him to reflexively stand up and turn around.

"Woah... chill out Kacchan. Just coming to say hi."


Izuku simply looked at him with a funny gaze, before nodding and turning to his two closest friends. "What were you guys talking about?"

"Oh nothing... just a small bet me and loudmouth here created." Momo stated with a grin, knowing that her words made Bakugou seethe with anger, although he couldn't really say or do anything since he knew he would get on the greenette's bad side.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now