19. Matters

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Dang a whole month of no updates is crazy ngl... college been kinda tough. Anyway, here you go!




A Proposition


"Student council, if I may barge in on your time for a moment. I have a proposition for you."

"Principal Nezu? A proposition?"

"Yes Ashido, one that I'm sure you'll be on board with. Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, I'll speak with you two more about it later in private, but for now, I have a couple of documents I'd like you all to look at."

The quartet of students were intrigued. They had been bored for the past couple of hours waiting for something to come up, so their wish had finally come true. The student council gathered around Nezu, who laid a few sheets of paper on Izuku's desk and shone the lamp over it.

"What's this?" The greenette asked himself, trying to read the small letters of the first page. However, Nezu quickly picked it up and handed it to him for a closer look. The rest of the student council watched in anticipation as their President read the paper over.

"A World Culture Festival..." He whispered, continuing his read while the others tried sneaking peaks. Izuku's eyes widened, as he set the paper down and stared at the others with his mouth agape. The polar bear, mouse, dog person smiled a hearty smile, as Izuku quickly ran over to the window and looked outside to the darkened courtyard (it was nearing nighttime). It was a big courtyard... something like this was totally doable.

"What's it say, what's it say?!" Mina asked while shaking her fists in the air. Momo picked it up, holding the first sheet of paper in her hands for the other to read as well.

"A festival..." The ravenette whispered, scanning the paper. "A festival that exhibits cultures from around the world. UA has never done anything like this before... well at least to my knowledge, right Principal Nezu?"

"You would be correct. The only other festival we have besides the Sports Festival is the ordinary school festival. I thought it would be a good idea to mix things up a little bit this year. Wouldn't you lot say so?" Nezu asked, the other three nodding their heads simultaneously before turning to Midoriya, whose nose was pressed against the window.

"This could possibly be the single greatest UA event ever. Well, at least for only the students anyway. It could be something like a week long event, where we have different continents on different days, different classes having different countries. There could be a food war, or sports games between countries, or even a giant dance tournament with dances pertaining to the different cultures we portray. AH! THERE'S JUST SO MUCH WE CAN DO!"

Everyone sweatdropped at the overexcited green bean, a grin settling on Momo's face as she watched her President excitedly pace around the room.

Y'know Momo, that would probably be a great time to confess. Just imagine it. You and Izuku eating inside the Eiffel Tower... or you guys on a boat passing by the Statue of Liberty. You could be at the very top of the Burj Khalifa looking down on the world, or in a rustic Italian Restaurant in the middle of Venice. You can cross the Great Wall of China, or sit in a Roman Colosseum. You can stare at the Great Pyramid of Giza, or even spend the night at a tropical resort in the Bahamas. There are just so many ways and outcomes that can occur during the one week... so spend it wisely.

'Hm... I like the way you think voice in my head. Maybe I will confess then. If it's romantic enough that is.'

Momo looked like she was on cloud nine, staring off into space with a goofy smile on her face (bars). She walked over to the couch, plopped herself down, and stared at the greenette with love in her eyes.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now