18: Occurrences

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"We are the UA credible student news here with our greatly esteemed student body President: Izuku Midoriya! Today we have an interview lined up that will answer our most asked questions concerning our President! Firstly, how are you today?"

"I'm doing great, a little tired, but more excited than anything to be here today."

"Ugh, cut cut CUT!" A girl with a beanie said as she threw her clipboard down and stood up from her chair. "You can't be that honest! Just say that you're excited and that's it Midoriya!"

That was the third interruption to the interview in the past few minutes. There was always something wrong.

You may be asking yourself, what in the Shrek's Swamp is going on here? Well...

"Do I really have to do this? I have a lot of work to do." Izuku sighed, ruffling his hair and leaning back on the comfortable chair.

"You promised to give us an interview, so there's no backing out now!" The girl director said, peering into one of the cameras before walking over to the greenette. The other girl giving the interview watched in annoyance as her superior stood in front of them.

"Maki... please just let us be and do the interview in one take. At this rate, we'll never–"

"I'm the superior! I'm the director! You listen to me when I'm–"

"Yeah, I'm done. If this is how you treat your club members, I want no part in this." Midoriya clasped his knees and stood up, before an arm forcefully grabbed his shoulder.

"You promised." The director girl named Maki whisper yelled, staring at Izuku's gaze with steely eyes. His poker face must've been an offensive gesture towards the girl, as she gripped tighter and pushed him back... well tried to; he didn't budge. "Whatever, have it your way President." She hissed, before calling her club members together and rounding them up.

Now, Izuku kind of liked the assertiveness of that girl. Her name was Maki Hayashi, a second year general studies student who founded the UA news club last year. She was beautiful. Of course, not on Momo's level, but definitely up there. Her hair was the lightest shade of blonde, and her eyes as blue as the ocean. She was born in Sweden, but her parents moved to Japan when she was still a baby since her father was part Japanese.

She also had a bit of history with little ol' Izuku.

The greenette watched the girl continuously take glances at him with an angry look on her face, before he shrugged and turned towards the classroom exit.

"How was it?"


Hugging the girl waiting for him, he sighed, recieving his jacket and student council room keys from her. "What happened?"

"That girl Hayashi is so infuriating. She always tries to do things her way and ends up getting nothing done. No room for talking, no room for criticism, no room for anything but whatever she says. She's always so touchy feely with me too, especially when she's angry. She's so..."

Momo shook her head, an amused smile flickering on her face as she bumped the latter on the shoulder. "Sounds to me like she has a little crush on you President."

Rolling his eyes, Izuku turned to the latter and looked at her with a half lidded gaze. "I really am a chick magnet, aren't I?"

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now