7. Events

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Ah, the Sports Festival.

Possibly the most iconic thing about UA High School; for Japan that is.

The sheer fact that it overtook the Olympics in popularity definitely speaks for itself. The whole country was tuned in for these events that were to be performed by the promising up and coming heroes.

With such an exciting event coming up however, nerves were just  as prominent in the participants, as they were going into one of the most important situations in their years here at UA.

Class 1A consisted of a new batch of younglings, all ready to stamp their mark into the world. Class 1B was equally as eager, but slightly more nervous. The general classes were petrified, and the support classes looked like they were ready to put on a show.

"They're just like we were last year." Kirishima smiled, the eyes of his classmates following the big group of first year students, as they entered the large stadium (that had surprisingly been finished thanks to Hatsume). "So nervous and eager at the same time."

"Feels like a decade ago... but oddly enough feels likes yesterday too." Kaminari whispered, trying to wrap his head around how quick, yet excruciatingly long their year was.

"At least we made it out alive." Uraraka laughed.

"Well, two more years to go and we'll be full on pros. It looks like it's smooth sailing from here." Mineta proudly said, posing like the super awesome hero he would undoubtedly become in the future.

"Get the hell down from there." Jirou muttered, pushing the midget off of the railing, as he went tumbling down into the section below. They had reserved a section for their class on a high balcony that basically overlooked the entire stadium. They were easily the best seats in the whole arena.


A headphone jack suddenly whipped through the air, injecting itself into the yelling boy's head, causing him to stop in his tracks and pass out. "Seriously... what's wrong with Iida? He cannot stop yelling these past few days."

"It's certianly been a bad month for him... considering he lost the election to Midoriya by quite a significant margin." Uraraka stated, pulling the tall boy back into his seat.

"Well, when one candidate has Yaomomo as their V.P, there isn't really much of chance for anyone else." Kyoka shrugged, turning her attention to a pair that was a few dozen feet to the left of them. "And by the way... you've seen Midoriya often?"

"Not really now that you're mentioning it. Might be caught up with his 'presidential' duties or something."

"Might be. I haven't seen Momo much either. Nowadays, I either see her in the student council room, or wandering around the outside of the school. It's honestly kinda worried me." The headphone jack user said quietly, staring at only one half of the student council, who were currently in a heated battle of rock, paper, scissors for some reason.

"Maybe she's backed up too." Uraraka responded, sitting on her chair and laying her head back onto the chair cushion (yes, chair cushion... first class baby). "That being said, she's been a lot different since becoming Vice President. More reserved and quiet towards the rest of us. A bit like Todoroki."

"Maybe being in his presence influences her."

"Are you guys talking about Yaomomo? I totally agree! She's been so distant lately!" Floating clothes appeared in front of the two girls, as they sadly nodded.

Momo, Love is Always War! (Izuku x Momo)Where stories live. Discover now