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When I wake up, it is dark outside. I'm not moving in a vehicle and I'm not on the cart, I'm being carried.

I look up and see JinJin, who immediately looks down at me. He has one of his hands on my neck while the other one is under my legs. In any other situation, I would have felt cared for, but I again felt like a child that needed to be taken care of.

"Hey there."

Why was he the one carrying me? I look over and see Moonbin is carrying MJ, Sanha is now awake, and walking ahead, keeping his distance from everyone.

"Hi... you can put me down now."

He does as told and I walk beside him, still feeling the grogginess on my legs. I look up to see Rocky look at me, an apologetic look on his face before he turns to look ahead again.

Nothing but anger courses through me. I know why they did what they did, but not tell Sanha and have kept it a secret for longer than needed, it's wrong.

"You must think the worst of me, don't you?" JinJin brought his right hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it as he looks away from me.

"The worst does not begin to explain it, leader."

JinJin sighs as we walk side by side, letting his hand drop. "What would you have done in my position?"

"Restrained him, pulled him away from everything."

He chuckles, his blond hair falling over his eyes as he looks down at his hands, "You saw the might of his power... do you really think we didn't think of that?"

"It's five against one, with your powers combined—"

"It was three against three, actually," JinJin looks at me, seeing the confused look on my face, "Only Rocky, Eunwoo, and I voted for a reason. You think Moonbin and MJ voted against it for Sanha's sake, but it wasn't the main reason."

With a nod, I respond, "They also wanted revenge."

"Not as badly as Sanha, not as angry and killer thinking as him," JinJin sighs, and I can tell the disappointment was in himself. "They wanted nothing but end everything for once, and I... I should have listened. Maybe you wouldn't have to endure this pain because of my decision."

"You forget Sanha suffered the most out of all of us." I slightly bow my head as I walk ahead, trying to catch up to Moonbin and heal MJ, but Eunwoo is quick to intercept, grabbing onto my shoulder.

"Not yet," He shakes his head, letting go of me with a solemn expression in his eyes as he looks at me, "You have a limit to your power, I've seen it. Let a couple more hours pass and you can work your magic."

"A couple of hours?" I look over at the fainted boy... He looks completely lifeless being carried like that, I can't even see his color, "Do you think he'll make it if we wait?"

"I know he will," He smiles and points at his head, "I saw it."

Sighing in defeat, I pull myself away from MJ and walk by Eunwoo's side. "Did you guys ever plan on telling him?"

Eunwoo's eyes are soft when he looks at me, "We didn't know what to do. It came up in conversations quite a bit but, we could never find a solution." Slowing his walk, he grabs onto my hand and holds it with both his hands. "I'm glad you were able to help him when we couldn't."

I look at his hand, then the confusion takes over when I look at him, "Did you not want revenge?" He lets go of my hand and sighs, "I mean, I understand not wanting to kill people but, with your power, was there any way you could see a way of defeating them?"

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