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A round table is before me, seven seats in total, all white but one, which is black.

At the center of the table is a blueprint I can't quite focus on. The walls of this place are old yet sturdy grey, with no windows and just a steel door showing me some sort of exit.

Walking towards the door, my gut tells me to stop, there's danger outside. I put my hand down as it had been reaching for the doorknob, and somehow lowering it is harder than raising it.


My voice is weak when I call for him. I turn around, looking around for him but it seems it's just a dream. Oh... I'm dreaming. If I'm dreaming, then it's fine if I go out the door.

I go back towards the door and place my hand on the doorknob, just as I plan on turning it, my eyes shake in fear and I let go of the doorknob, hand still up.

Why won't I open the door?

Maybe it's a timing thing. I grab onto the doorknob once again and quickly go to turn it. As I turn it, I can't get myself to pull open the door.

Letting go of the doorknob sends me flying backward onto the table, bouncing off of it and onto the floor. I wince in pain, what's going on? Isn't this just a dream?


"Eunwoo?" I turn around, looking everywhere but he's not there, I'm not even sure if the voice is him. "Eunwoo, stop this vision."

The door then opens and a figure stands in the doorway. A black hood hides its face in the darkness of this room, a hand extended out toward me.

"Eunwoo!" I crawl backward as my head hits the wall behind me. "Eunwoo, please!"

"Hwang, can you hear me?"

The figure is stepping closer towards me as his hand begins moving, his fingers are bending in ways I can't find in any way settling. "Yes, I can hear you. Please, end this vision!"

"Wake up."

My eyes snap open as I sit up in bed, gasping for air that has somehow left my body. I want to catch my breath, let my chest fill with air, and reassure myself it was just a dream. But I can't. 

I'm not alone.

With my peripheral vision, I see a figure to my right, where my window is suddenly open. I don't know what they want, I can't pretend to go back to sleep, they might kill me. What do I do?

Sanha, wake up. You can hear everyone's thoughts, please Sanha, there's someone in my room. Help.

But thinking while I sit in fear won't save me.

I see the figure begin to move and I immediately bolt out of bed, running to the door. As I grab onto the doorknob, the figure grabs me from behind, arms around my stomach as they pull me back and we fall on top of my bed.

Not good.

"Help! Somebody he—" The figure places their hand on my mouth and my cries for help become muffled. I try to elbow the figure but his other hand has my arms restrained as he pulls me off the bed and starts pushing me towards the window.

Aiming for whatever I can hit behind me, I kick the figure on the right leg which makes them kneel in pain, letting go of me as a reflex.

"Help!" I run to the door again but the figure grabs onto my legs and I fall face first, head hitting the ground. With my head feeling like it can't hold its own weight, I try to look for the figure, keep them off me for as long as I can, but I can't. My vision is now double and it's too dark.

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