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When we came in, I half expected this place to have a futuristic look, a state-of-the-art security system, and staff to back it up. Instead, the building looked as if it was abandoned and out of care. The walls are bare, but I can tell by its structure that it was an institution of sorts.

The stranger of our vision walked us down a basement to the left of the entrance, introducing herself, "My name is Erin Kim. I know of the organization you run from."

"Kim?" JinJin's eyes widened and he adjusted his sister over his shoulder, "Kim Namjoon wouldn't happen to be your son, would he?"

Her eyes fall and she nods, "Yes, that is my son. His father runs the operation of K.I.T. Knowledge ignition technology."

"That acronym doesn't really make sense," MJ said what everyone else seemed to be thinking. His posture was slouched, tired from the fight but also in a curious manner.

"That's because the original purpose of the task force was to create explosives, believe it or not." Erin directs to a door, unlocking the four-lock mechanism on it. "Here, he's the one who went through the crystallization process, correct?"

Moonbin just nods, also looking exhausted from the fight. He seemed as surprised as me seeing the bed and separate room for what we could assume was a bathroom, "What was this, a prison?" He lays Taeyong down on the bed and we exit the room, stretching his arms behind his back.

"A correction center," she sighs at the confused look she receives from him, "A juvenile prison basically. It's very different from our modern ones. This land was abandoned before any of you were born."

"How long have you been here?" She obviously had a son and knew of the origins of this organization, enough to know Taeyong had gone through the crystallization process.

"Five long years," The next door only had two lock mechanisms, and JinJin laid his sister down on the bed gently, brushing her hair away from her face before stepping outside the room. "I was actually the head of K.I.T. when it started."

JinJin's eyes are filled with disappointment as he watches his sister as Erin close the door.

"Let me guess," Rocky looked at his phone, "You left the task force once a great discovery was made that caused your husband to change the entire purpose of the organization."

"Precisely," She opens the door to a large room that I immediately recognize. It's the round table with several chairs, where I first saw her. "While developing new military weaponry, we discovered a chemical that altered biological life. The experimentation started with plants and overpopulated animals, but my husband..." She motioned for the chairs and we all sat down as she stood. "He believed true weaponry would be superhuman."

"How was this approved?" Eunwoo is confused, shaking his head to my right, "The government would never let this happen, especially the way they operate." I take this opportunity to place my hand on his bullet graze, healing it as we listen.

"That's because they stopped funding the group once they saw that results were... scattered."

Erin pulled out a rectangular device from her pocket and placed it in the center of the table. A hologram then started showing us footage of what looked like the building they had been in, the little I saw from Moonbin's memories told me this wasn't the same building. There were men in suits, taking notes, scientists talking, and one man that stood out from the rest as he stood in front of them, pointing at chambers where people were strapped to beds; Mister Kim.

"At first, researchers sought out individuals that would be handsomely paid to be a part of this trial. Signing NDAs and pulling the funds to compensate families if something were to happen to these subjects, was not cheap." She motioned towards the chambers with one hand as the other stroked her hair over her right shoulder. "So the government requested to see these trials in person. Nothing went wrong, they just went as they always did."

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