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We stood in that same room with the round table and chairs, a whiteboard in front of us as Rocky and Erin explained the layout.

"The security system might have upgraded, so we are planning for the absolute max security," Rocky explained as he pointed at the blueprints, "The closest upgrade known of is really which places were most guarded."

"There are only three entrances," Erin pointed at each entrance, "The main staff entrance which is to the side, the cargo entrance to the back, and the prisoner entrance at the very front."

"We could use disguises and go through the staff entrance," MJ seemed excited to act as a scientist, but Erin was quick to shake her head.

"That won't be possible, they have identification cards that they use as keys, even if we tried to replicate one, it would be flagged in the system," Erin begins stroking her hair as she looks down, "I know, I created the new security system."

"That should give us an advantage right?" JinJin asked, his hands on his knees as if he couldn't calm his excitement. Seemed everyone was too eager to start this mission.

"With her knowledge, I can hack into the system and make my way through it, but any access codes she used to have, are most likely invalid or deleted," Rocky pointed at a room in the center of the building, "All I can do is turn camera circulation to be faster as you make your way through the building and to the room that contains what we need."

"Is that really it?" I ask, confused as to how this could be that easy. Of course, it could never be that easy.

"Not necessarily," Erin pointed at the room with one of her hands, the other still in her hair, "Chemical X was kept in the most guarded room which is this, the data room. But knowing my husband's paranoia, he probably moved it somewhere else."

"So if it isn't there, the data room will tell us where it is?" Sanha looked proud when Erin nodded, but his smile quickly faded when he caught my eyes.

"There's too many of us to be able to go undetected..." Moonbin's eyes wander through the map, worry overtaking his eyes.

"It's quite simple really," Rocky smiles as he places his hands behind his back, "Not everyone is going."

"How are we supposed to take an entire organization down without all of us?" Eunwoo asked, and it worried me that he seemed as confused as everyone. Had I healed him so well, he wasn't having as many visions?

"Rocky is right, all seven of you are too many to sneak inside."

Sanha seemed to understand, "Some of us are staying outside."

"We need both of you to stay outside," Erin motioned to Eunwoo and Sanha, "Eunwoo, what's the biggest animal you have spoken to?"

Eunwoo's eyes widened, "There's no way I will put an animal in harm's way."

"You won't, I promise," Erin smiled and pointed toward the back of the building, "There are mountain lions further in the woods, my husband was terrified of large animals and always had them hunted down. But, if there is just a slight appearance by one, the security will be drawn to find it and they'll be frantic to do so. Not only that, their equipment is rather expensive."

"We'll also need you in case you get any visions that could help somewhere where you won't be in the way," Rocky added.

"And what do you need me for?"

Rocky turned to Sanha and smiled, "Make it harder to look for a mountain lion."

"Then who goes inside?" JinJin was eager, he wanted to inside, I could tell.

"MJ has to go, that's a no-brainer."

Erin agreed with Rocky with a simple nod, "His cloaking and teleportation abilities are too huge of an asset to be put to waste. We thought at first Moonbin and Rina could join them," She turned to me sadly, "But she is no longer an asset."

I felt my shoulders fall again. We hadn't told them of the risk my powers had.

Eunwoo's eyes widen and he stands up, "What do you mean, she knows how to fight, and what if Moonbin or MJ get hurt?"

"Rina's power is, fortunately, curing your powers," Everyone falls to a hush, "And we need those for this mission."

Sanha then stands, "That makes no sense, I have my powers at their fullest because of her."

"Because that is what she was trying to heal, darling," Erin pointed at Eunwoo's arm, "Any other injury or scrape or bruise she healed, was connected to your power. So because of that, it will be JinJin and MJ to go inside alone."

JinJin wasn't happy when he turned to look at me, as much as he wanted to be for getting some action, his eyes held sadness for me.

They continued discussing the plan but I could no longer focus. My involvement was nonexistent, there was no need for me to know what was going on. I'd be staying in the van to wait for JinJin and MJ to finish their mission and heal any injuries they may have sustained.

I again felt helpless. Despite how sure of themselves they all felt towards this mission, I couldn't do anything. I was back to square one.

I felt eyes on me, and when I lifted my gaze Sanha quickly turned away.

Lately, I wasn't sure what to feel about Sanha, I didn't understand his approach. He was distant and refused to talk unless absolutely needed to or spoken to, but sometimes he did this; act as if he cared. He was the first one in my room when I was having that nightmare and now, he seems to be the only one noticing my despair.

When the plan is set in stone, JinJin stands and starts heading my way before he is stopped by Erin, "JinJin if you don't mind, I'd like to see how far your abilities go with clairvoyance. They might help us in this mission."

He looks over her shoulder to me but quickly answers Erin's request, "Sure thing ma'am."

Eunwoo heads with Rocky to the lab, MJ wants to practice his teleporting with Moonbin so they head to the common room, leaving me and Sanha alone.

After a period of silence and neither one of us moving, he finally speaks, his head still lowered toward his lap. "Are you okay?"

I shrug, sighing with my words, "I'm not even sure anymore."

When Sanha lifts his face, I see he looks hurt, "I'm sorry..."

"Nothing we can do other than, well, the mission." I point towards the blueprints and he looks at them for a while before he looks down at his lap again where he begins to fidget with his hands.

"I never thanked you for giving me back my memories."

I chuckled, "Eh being ignored for this long seemed thankful enough."

His lilac hair falls over his eyes as he sighs, "All I really felt was anger, I wasn't thinking straight, and for that I am sorry."

I stare at him for a little before answering, not knowing really how to. He raises his head and our eyes meet.

I see him. I see my Sanha in those eyes in those few seconds that his eyes show regret and sadness, I see him.

"You're welcome," he turns away quickly and I smile at his first joke since his memories came back.

"Come on, I'm supposed to be the one with the weather powers, yet I can almost see the cloud above your head."

We went together to the kitchen and had tea in silence. Nothing to do but wait for the mission.  

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