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The car ride holds a certain tension I can't seem to handle. JinJin is now driving, Rocky in the passenger seat typing away on his laptop.

The only sounds are that typing and the car's engine. Moonbin and I sit next to each other behind the driver's seat, Sanha and Eunwoo across from each other, MJ on the floor laying down.

He was doing weird arm movements as his eyes are closed. "Can I have chips now?"

"No." JinJin sighs from the front seat. "Wait another thirty minutes."

"Whyyy?" He sits up and we all hear his stomach grumble. "You know my metabolism is fast."

"I need you to control your hunger, adapt it to this situation. We need to be mindful of how many supplies we have."

Rocky turns to him and says softly, "Actually, we have enough for him to take some chips now." JinJin shoots him a look and Rocky goes back to this laptop. "Nevermind..."

MJ huffs and he stands up. "Fuck this."

All of the sudden, he's gone. I look around but he's nowhere to be seen. "Where did he go?"

"Probably to steal some food," Moonbin whispers in my ear and I can't help but laugh.

MJ then appears back with a grocery bag in each hand. "Hey Rocky, wanna pull back up that supplies list? I just got more."

"Did you pay for it?" JinJin asks, a fatherly tone to his voice.

"Of course I did." MJ turns to me and gives me wavy hand, suggesting he paid for most of it. "And need I remind you, I'm older than you. I don't need you to baby me as well."

"I don't baby you guys."

"Yes, you do," Moonbin says out loud.

"Your opinion doesn't count." JinJin huffs out and I can't help but think he's being an ass for no reason. Maybe he was still upset from our "lesson."

"Why wouldn't it? He's a part of your team as well." I say and immediately Eunwoo shakes his head at me, Sanha waving his hands in no motion, and MJ clicks his tongue.

"Well, this outta be good."

The van comes to a sudden stop and MJ almost falls from the sudden force. JinJin turns around and looks at me dead in the eyes. "You want to know why his opinion doesn't matter? Because everything I say to him is supposedly against him. He thinks everything I do is to somehow spite him and only him."

"Fine," Moonbin shrugs as he has a smile on his face. "You do it to spite all of us then."

"Are you thick or something?" JinJin climbs over the seat so that he stands in the back of the van. "Rocky, drive."

Rocky sighs as he puts down his laptop and scoots over to the driver's seat, starting up the car once more. "Why am I always picking up after you?" His mumbling is only heard by me as JinJin starts up again.

"You think being a leader is so easy and that because of my position, I abuse my power against you?"

"I don't think that at all." Moonbin crosses his arms as he looks up at JinJin.

"Then what is it? Why do you have to whine about everything? What is it that bothers your every second of existence with us?"

Moonbin looks around at everybody, even Rocky looks like he wants an answer as he keeps driving. "I think you're the best you can be JinJin."

JinJin looks taken aback as he stares down at Moonbin, but he doesn't back down. "That doesn't answer my question."

"I know, but I can't really explain it." Moonbin unwraps his hands from his sleeves and raises them at him. "I'll let you take a peek at what's going on in my head if you want."

"Are you really risking seeing my past to prove a point?" Risk? How could seeing JinJin's past be a risk? What was worse than touching dead, slaughtered meat?

Moonbin nods, "Of course. You think I do things out of spite, apparently, I think the same of you—Let's see who's right."

JinJin looks down at Moonbin's hands and shakes his head. "I know what you're playing, and I'm not falling for it. Your retrocognition will block out my psychometry, you're trying to make me relive that day."

That day? What is happening? Why is there so much I don't know?

Moonbin shakes his head as he puts his hands down. "I knew you'd say no, and that was my point. You don't trust me and that's why I'm the way I am. After everything we've been through, I'm just your little pawn to keep in check."

"Why yo—"

"Enough," Sanha stands up and smiles sweetly at JinJin as he places his hand on his shoulder, "fighting won't fix anything, will it?" And there's that manipulative glim in those eyes.

JinJin huffs and he taps Rocky, making the younger move as he takes the wheel again. Moonbin shakes his head in disappointment.

"I miss being able to be alone in my own room." The strong boy sighs as he leans against me, looking up at me as he's placed his head down on my shoulder. "Am I right?"

I chuckle as I push his head off softly, "Go find yourself another pillow." Sighing I watch as MJ counts to Rocky the new things he's gotten.

JinJin starts to drive again and the van falls quiet except for the low whispers of the two counting members.

Looking up, I meet eyes with Eunwoo. He smiles and I return the gesture but as I do, his eyes turn blue, shaking with intensity—another vision— and his expression falls as soon as his eyes return to normal, his eyes landing on Rocky.

"Is everything okay Eunwoo?"

He turns to me, a simple smile on his face as his eyes show fear. "Of course." At least learn to lie well.

Rocky turns around at me, taking his glasses off. "I've finished the formula for the serum. I may not be able to get everything as fast as I hoped for but MJ will help us out."

MJ gives me a thumbs up and a cheeky smile. "We'll get you all buffed up!"

"Actually, we're trying to do the opposite."

"Debuff you then, D and D style!" MJ laughs to himself.

Rocky rolls his eyes and goes back to the laptop. "Jin, once we get the chance, stop the van so we can store the food."

"We're already where we need to be," JinJin stops the van and places his elbow on the wheel's lower rim, resting his chin over the palm of his hand. "Do your thing."

Rocky is weirdly enough the first one off the van, MJ probably teleporting outside as Moonbin opens the back door and the rest of us follow. Rocky opens the compartment above the van and places everything thoroughly organized.

Eunwoo seems like the only that wasn't affected by the outburst inside the van. Sanha is keeping to himself by MJ, JinJin is with Rocky counting their supplies, Moonbin is sitting on the pavement by himself, and Eunwoo stands in good posture by himself.

I don't know who I should approach. The boy who's obviously gone through something and is left apart from the rest, or the boy who would know what's going to happen.

Moonbin seems to need comforting, but with his anger, I'm not sure if he'll tell me about "That Day" and what JinJin had to "risk."

Eunwoo would most like know but he seems like the type to not tell people's business. He might know what's coming ahead of us, but might also not tell me if it's a future we can't change.

Who should I talk to?

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