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Between the animosity, MJ had towards Sanha and the tension from Sanha towards everyone, this day could not be any more awkward.

Today though, Eunwoo knew precisely where he was going. Usually, he spent his time going from left to right, turning and stopping to let the visions clear his way, but today, it was a straight line with no stops. Something told me he had dreamt the vision that led us to safety entirely.

Eunwoo being so ahead and Sanha being so far back left MJ in the middle with Rocky and JinJin, and I am right with them. MJ was quiet but he did not look as solemn as before. I had noticed him do small, dumb and meaningless things like walk weirdly, and rip a chip bag completely flat, and when I asked him what he was doing, all he said was: Proving my existence. He seemed happy doing so, nobody even bothered to stop him from the little acts he would do.

Rocky was doing more research on a cure for my powers, seeing what we needed and what we already had. It seemed we needed more than we had and the frustration was always clear on his face. When I told him he didn't have to take this to heart and frustrate himself on my behalf, all he said before he went back to his phone was: I have to try and fix you.

Of course, I tried speaking to Sanha again, but my hello was ignored, and asking how he was led to scoffing and nothing more.

JinJin was short for words today. When he was asked for help or direction, he'd direct people to Eunwoo as he was leading the way. He seemed distracted today. The formal walk was met with tripping over avoidable obstacles, the usually raised head with his good posture was replaced by a slight slouch and wandering face, his expression searching outside of reality. If anyone asked, I would have said he looked like MJ on his off days.

While MJ and Rocky counted off materials and resources, JinJin walked up ahead. I joined him, tapping his shoulder, "Hey leader."

The pink-haired leader turns and smiles, but it's such a small and short smile, I can tell something is wrong, "Hey Rina, tired from walking yet?"

"No, not yet," I look up ahead, seeing Eunwoo walk with purpose and nodding to himself as he sees certain landmarks, feeling plants and trees as he walks, "I think Eunwoo is about to make us stop sometime soon."

"What tells you that?" JinJin turns his attention to Eunwoo, but I see through my peripheral vision that he watches me looking at Eunwoo. "Have you been dreaming with him?"

The way he asks that makes me frown and turn to him, "Uhm no, Eunwoo has been purposely staying up when I sleep so I can get some rest. At least that's what he said." JinJin just nods at my response, looking ahead at Eunwoo again. "Is everything okay?"

When he turns to look at me, his eyes have fallen and his guard is down, "Why are you the one that notices when everyone else is down?"

"I have an impeccable memory so it's engraved in my head when people are fine, so when they aren't, it's easy to tell," I point at him as I speak, "You usually have a very formal walk and good posture. You also always have your eyes fixed on the objective at hand."

Saying this makes him straighten his back as he walks. When he opens his mouth to speak, a yell from behind us startles us to look. MJ stands there laughing to himself, "Sorry! Just proving I exist outside of your perception Rina!"

I can't help but laugh, shaking my head and turning back to JinJin, who looks even more defeated now, "I can't read you the way you read everyone else."

"Whatever do you mean? If you're wondering if I'm fine, I'm okay, maybe a bit tired but—"

"No, I know you are fine, it's not that it's..." He sighs while he shakes your head, "You kissed MJ last night, didn't you?" My eyes widen and I feel myself trip over my own feet. He quickly grabs my arm to settle my balance and he looks at me, with hurt in his eyes, "So I was right?"

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