2. We Made A Terrible mistake.

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Ariana's POV.

I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face, making me groan silently. I pushed my blankets closer to me so that they could cover my body better. I let my eyes fall back into place. I had a weird sensation in my downwards area, which I thought was a little weird, and thought that I would just sleep it off. Suddenly, some memories flashed back into my head remembering me telling Justin I liked him, and started wondering if I got too comfortable with him. Then my eyes shot open as I remembered every exact thing.

Justin and I....Sex....Oh god.

It was so wrong of us to do it...But if felt so right...Are we really meant to be, or did he only want a one night stand? Then guilt poured over me... I'm still with Sean, and I hate to lie to people and especially to break their hearts a-

"Good morning" A voice ringed in my head, which scared the living death out of me.

"H-Hi" I choked, with my heart pounding inside.

"Sorry to scare you" He said in a super husky and sexy morning voice that made shivers go through my body, as he got closer to me, wrapping one of his arms around my fully naked body pulling me closer. He began kissing my neck and nipping my skin.

"Justin" I moaned "Please stop, we're taking this too far"

"We've already been on the level that is the Farthest" He said looking up at me

"B-But Justin..." I stuttered. I am so unsure of this. I don't know anymore.

"Ariana, relax, Everything will turn out fine" He promised, sitting up in the bed wrapping an blanked around his waist because he obviously also was naked. "Now tell me. did it feel right? I mean, that's the whole reason we made love, wasn't it?" He smiled, making me think about the whole situation. He's right. This was our little thing to try and we needed to express our thought about the whole thing...right?

"You go first" I said, a little bit shy. Justin chuckled and pulled me on top of his lap, as he wrapped his arms around my tiny body.

"Okay" He said, taking a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear. "It didn't feel wrong at all

"I-I guess t-that it felt right..."I Said, as he cuddled his head in the crook of my neck, and kissing my neck once. "So, what does this mean?" i asked him, making me hold my breath in panic of what he's going to say. Maybe he - as I said before - just saw me as a piece of ass? Or does this really mean something-

"I think we should" He took a slight pause, taking his head up and looked me in the eyes. "Be together" He said, making a smile tug on the ends of his lips, and oh that smile could cure cancer.

"But...Sean he wi-!" I said, starting to panic. Like, what am I even going to say? Hi Sean, i cheated on you with your friend who'm I've had stronger feelings for a long time, now i'm breaking up with you. Bye.

"You don't have feelings for him....right?" He cut me off, starting to suspect. I quickly shook my head.

"There wasn't any sparks" I murmured. "But he'll be heartbroken! I can't tell him the truth, but I hate lying! And i hate seeing people heartbroken, when i know i've caused them their pain" I said, as Justin hugged me tighter and kissed my jawline.

"Everything's gonna be alright" He started singing softly, as i softly smiled

"That's one of my favourite songs, that you've written" I smiled, kissing his cheek. He looked over at me and flashed that two hundred million dollar smile, which made me melt inside. he kissed me on my lips once more.

"I'm going to make breakfast" He said, getting off the bed, flashing his ass at me. And my, my, my does he have a perfect ass. I mean, girls like ass to, am I right?

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