21; dropping hints

440 29 7

Ariana's POV

"Good morning everyone" nick said, as everyone looked up. We where all sat on the stage. We'd met up at about 6 to quickly go through everything, eat. Breakfast and from 8-12, they'd be rehearsing. Then we'd all go eat, as on schedule and at about 13:30 we have a break until 4pm, so 2 hours before they let in all the people. Since today was the first show in the European tour, I'd be apart of this - as a surprise - when he sang as long as you love me ( because that's from the concert that we 'fell in love' with each other ) and children - we're kind of dropping small hints....

Time had passed very quickly, and we where now sat backstage eating lunch from the buffet they've got, which is dangerous since I was basically craving everything on that table.

"So ariana" Elysandra, one of Justin's dancers, said. I looked up from the plate full of food. I nodded "when are you due?"

I smiled widely. "March 3rd" which was kind of a coincidence because it's 2 days after Justin's birthday.

"Aw, well that's perfect! Then you have around 3-4 weeks to kind of settle down together with justin" she smiled, taking a bite out of the salad as I broke my cookie in half.

"Will you and the baby be going with us to Australia?" Christina asked. I nodded sideways

"I think so. it's very important for the baby to be close to justin" I nodded.

"Well, then he or she is gonna be the youngest part of the purpose tour crew yet" nick said, as everyone laughed.


We where now on our break, and justin had disappeared to a interview and only elysandra and Christina - the dancers I'm closest to, where left. We where trying to figure out what we could do meanwhile.

"Let's go and say hi to the fans that are queuing!" I suggested to them, as they looked amused. "Then we could go get our nails done or something"

"Yes!" They both said unison as I smiled.

"We have to go talk to security first to make sure that's okay" Christina said. I nodded and stood up as they did too. We approached mikey, one of Justin's bodyguards.

"Mikey, we have a quick question" I said, he nodded, and waited for me to continue. "We thought about going out to the fans and say hi and bring some food to give out, would that be possible?"

He laughed, and shrugged. "Let me ask the rest" he said as he put up some sort of walkie-talkie and asked what we'd just asked. He put it against his ear and awaited a response. He smiled, which was a positive sign. "they're gonna put in some more security. I'll also come with you, so go get what you need and we're free to go"

"Thank you!!" We said in unison. He chuckled and nodded. We walked back over to the buffet table, and I got a Oreo package, some juice boxes and bottles of water. Elysandra and Christina got some stuff and we walked back to mikey. He jerked his head to the side

"We're free to go" he said. We decided to start off by going to the golden circle line, then the j & b pits and then the normal Sunding seats. We opened the entrance doors where we'd walk, which was very secure because they where all behind some sort of fence which we where now behind. Besides, there where security everywhere.

We slowly walked over to the line and approached the fence which quickly got people's attention and they started going crazy. They all stood up immediately as a wave and the guards told them to calm down

"Hi everyone" I said, as I waved. They all had their phones slightly up filming me which I was okay with. "Are you guys excited?"

I got a huge cheer from everyone and I smiled. "What a positive energy I'm getting from you guys. I'm sure justin will love it"

"Ariana, can I take a photo with you?" A girl asked, which made me turn my head. I smiled widely and we took a photo, and to be fair I took a photo with as many as I could. After a while, I gave a incredibly sweet girl - who told me her touching story - the package of Oreos in literal TEARS.

we continued and said hi to everyone which really seemed to take a lot of time because when we where down it was 4:15, and we hadn't even noticed.

"Uh, guys" mikey said, making me turn away after I'd just signed a girls hand. I nodded and asked him to proceed. "You should've been back inside 15 minutes ago"

I gasped and laughed slightly "I'm sorry, we have to go" I pouted, hugging the person standing in front of me again. We quickly went into the arena again where everyone where sat backstage. They looked at us confused

"Where have you guys been?" Justin asked, as I sat down next to him.

"We went out to talk to everyone who was queueing" I said and he smiled

"That's sweet" he said. He was about to say something but nick cut him off.

"Okay, they're starting to let in the people. Go get ready everyone" nick said. Everyone nodded and went off to where their outfits are. Mine was in Justin's room so we went together. we changed clothes. He had some mercy hoodie on with a pair of jeans, as I went with a black dress with long tight arms and went down to the middle of my thighs.

When we where done, justin and i separated because I was on my way to the makeup and he to the dancers. The female dancers would also be going to the 'makeup station'

We had a nice chat and soon enough our makeup was done, and the dancers had to leave because they have the m&g's. The music inside the arena had started from the playlist that justin and I handpicked ourselves. Suddenly, I felt hands on my waist so I squealed and turned around. It was justin, obviously. He pulled me towards him and we kissed, as I laughed into the kiss.

"Are you excited?" I asked. He smiled


"Here's your microphone" a man gave said as he gave it to him. Justin thanked him and turned back to me

"Don't forget it this time" i said, pointing at him. He chuckled and rolled his eyes.

"I won't"

"Places, people!" Someone said very loudly, as I quickly went with justin who was just about to step into the glass box. I kissed him one time before he went in. They closed the door and I put my lips on the glass as he laughed and did the same. I slightly opened the door quickly, as booming started in the background.

"See you up there, I love you" i said loudly. He smiled and nodded. He closed the door and waved adorably before mark my words started and the glass box stared rising. I ran to the side, where security stood and I watched along with scooter.


It was soon time for me to go up, so they where putting in the earpieces and the goo that keeps my hearing safe. When that dried I was doing the last touches, as they asked me to stand on the platform that was soon going to lift. I heard as long as you love me started and the platform lifted.

"Keep it together, smile on you face even through your heart is frowning" I sang, as I started walking down the stairs.


Ariana is: 10 weeks along ( 2 2/4 months )
thank you everyone for 32k reads omfg😭 I love you all & thanks for reading my boring af fanfics hahahah

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2017 ⏰

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