13. i have something she wants

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Ariana's POV:

( sorry if misspelled )

"CONGRATS BABY" I cooed, throwing my arms around Justin as confetti was shot into the air and balloons filling the room. If you're wondering, purpose just dropped.

"Thank you" He smiled cutely as he grabbed my waist lovingly "Now, don't forget the 'I just dropped my album' sex" he whispered in my ear, making shivers run up my spine as i giggled hitting his chest.

"Tonight" I answered back, winking as i walked away. He laughed and nodded, satisfied enough with the answer.

"Champagne?" Scooter asked, offering a glass of alcohol to me. I gulped and shook my head.

"I don't drink" I answered quickly. He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion.

"What? Since when?" He asked, curiously as he laughed.

since the day i got knocked up

"Um like 2 months ago" I answered, as he nodded. I suddenly felt a pair of hands grab my waist, tickling me. I squirmed and turned around to see who was the asshole to dare to even tickle me, and i was greeted by the devilishly smirking boy. Justin. I laughed and hit his chest.

"Hey scoot, we'll see you at 1 at staples. Ariana and I have some things to do" Justin smirked down at me, and scooter cringed

"I don't even wanna know you're going to do" He said cringing as justin and I bursted out laughing, shaking my head, waving my hand

"Goodbye" I said, still laughing as Justin grabbed my hand and started walking with me out of the studio. We got into our car and drove home.

"Justin so we're going to be clear, we're not having sex now. That's tonight" i laughed as he joined in.

"I know, i just want to be home with you and listen to some music and talk about the baby" He chuckled, which warmed my heart.

"About the pregnancy!" I almost shouted in excitement "I'm 15  weeks pregnant, guess what that means?"

"We're closer to the birth?" He asked, not knowing the answer I laughed and rolled my eyes

"yes but there's something else" I said, as he breathed out turning the car.

"I have no idea" He chuckled as i almost bounced in my seat.

"The baby is getting their vocal chords!!" I squealed as he gasped, turning his head

"Really?" He asked, excited as i nodded quickly

we got home we just dropped everything and laid down onto the sofa as our hands where interwinding our hands.

"Are you sure you don't want to do have the 'post album sex' now?" He asked as i laughed rolling my eyes.

"Positive" i breathed as he sighed. "Good try though"

"It was worth a shot" He said shrugging as i laughed kissing him, which was more like one of those spontaneous kisses just because he's so cute. i smiled gazing into his face as he licked his lips.  I looked behind his shoulder to look at the clock and gasped loudly when is saw the time. It was 1:30

"WE'RE LATE JUSTIN" I said as i threw myself off of him and almost ran up to change. He was quickly behind and when i got into the room i threw a white tee shirt and some jeans towards Justin as he undressed. i changed into some high waisted white jeans and a flowy black shirt to hide my slightly visible bump and let my hair be down again. When we where done we ran down the stairs and slipped some shoes on and ran to the car. As we sat down i tried catching my breath, as well as Justin. He put the car keys into the car and started the engine as he backed out of the garage and out of the gate and into the street as we drove. My phone rang as i pulled it up and saw that Scooter was calling.

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