20; midnight adventures

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Ariana's POV

We'd just left the little conference room with scooter, my lawyer, Justin's lawyer, Selena's lawyer and Selena's manager. I was leaving with a heavy heart.

Selena, the person she is, decided not to come because she a bit under the weather .. I am mentally rolling my eyes, by the way. Like, Woman up, I broke my arm and almost lost my child because of you, and you're the one under the weather? Just thinking about it made my blood boil.

Anyway, that's not the point. Although everything she's done, she is only charged for 3 months in rehab. 3! FUCKING THREE. REHAB. Want to know what makes it even worse? They're framing it up as her trying to recover from depression/anxiety brought up from her lupus and wanting to take a break from fame. Yep.

"3 fucking months" Justin said to me, as he held my hand. He was just as angry as me, maybe even more than I was even though I was impossibly mad.

"It's absurd" I shook my head. We said our goodbyes to scooter and our lawyers and later left the law firm and went to our car as we drove home. It was quite late, since we should've gone to bed two hours ago, at 8pm, since our plane to Iceland leaves at 4am, so the first thing we did when we came home was drift into sleep. I was really excited, cause I'd never been in Iceland before and visiting there with Justin would be so much fun, but it was now more like a mixed feeling after all the Selena drama. Honestly, I'm just happy I'm getting a Selena detox for 3 months. If it only could be eternal.


"I'm sleeping as soon as I get on that plane" I mumbled, holding onto the pillows in my arms as we walked up the stairs into Justin's jet. I heard him slightly chuckle right behind me.

I entered the jet, and sat down in the seat as I pouted. Justin sat across me, smiling so goofily. I laughed and closed my eyes "don't make me laugh! I'm tired" I said stubbornly

"You're so beautiful" he said, out of the blue. I opened one eye and looked at him as I smiled. I sat there, newly awoken, in a pink onesie with small pandas on, my hair up in a messy bun and had no make up on and he still looked at me as if I was a diamond.

"Mr bieber, are you ready for takeoff?" A woman, probably the flight attendant, asked. He didn't loose his stare on me and just nodded.

"Yes" he Said, smiling at me. She nodded and walked away. I took my pillow and readjusted myself. "I know this might be kind of cliche, but you're really glowing. You're so beautiful and I am the luckiest guy in the planet to have you as not only the love of my life, but the mother of my child" he said, which made my heart pound in my chest, as small tears threatened to spill. I was blushing intensely

"Justin...I love you" I said as my voice cracked multiple times. "Stop making me cry! I'm hormonal as it is!" I hid my face.

He chuckled "that was all, now go to sleep. You seem exhausted" he said. I nodded and laughed as I sunk down my head against the pillow that was resting against the window, as I pulled up my legs onto the seat. "Goodnight" he whispered as I slightly chuckled again. As I was so tired, I quickly drifted away into sleep

Justin's POV

she's so beautiful, and she's sleeping. She has that glow that might just be the glow from our baby, either way she made me feel a type of way I've never felt with anyone. Ever. I couldn't help but to stare. I breathed out as I smiled, looking at the woman who is carrying my child. i looked out the window as the plane rapidly went across the runway and slowly drifted into the air and up into the clouds.

Ariana's POV

My eyes fluttered open as I felt a strong clenching in my stomach. I was about to throw up. I gagged, and put my hands over my mouth. Justin looked up quickly and very concerned at me from his iPad as I gagged again. I waved my hand, signalizing for him to do something.

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