3. Help Me?

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Hi bbys

so in the story Ariana is best friends with Kendall Jenner & Hailey Baldwin.

Ariana's POV

Justin decided he'd meet with his friends and crew and eat lunch with them. I decided to stay at his place and fake that everything was perfect, which it wasn't. I started feeling guilty that I actually cheated on Sean. And now i'm pregnant with his FRIEND'S baby.

"What's up" Kendall's voice comforted me, when I was crumbled into a ball on Justin's bed with my iPhone pressed on my ear.

"C-Can we talk?" I stuttered, getting straight to the point. I noticed that my voice trembled in fear. I mean, I love Justin, But i can't be pregnant with his baby. first of all, i'm on tour that's going to last at least for 1 year, and a baby needs to grow for 9 months, and the baby needs a mother for the —- mother stuff? all these emotions were just swelling from nowhere.

"Do you want me to come over? Is it serious?" She questioned me.

"Yes please" I said, making my voice croak.

"Are you okay? Where are you?" She questioned, once again, getting more and more concerned by the second.

"...Don't be mad" I whispered into the phone, scared about how she will react.

"Tell me where you are woman!" She yelled into the phone. I opened my mouth but shut it quickly.

"Justin's house" I whispered. I was probably overreacting about where I was or how she would react of me being there.

"Okay. What are you doing there?" She questioned, I was just about to tell her but she cut me off "Never mind, i'm there in 5" She said quickly, hanging up before i even got the chance to say goodbye

I took my deep sigh, hugging the closest pillow on Justin's bed.

what have I done?
"Talk. Now" Kendall commanded, sipping on the ice tea I stole from Justin's fridge, sitting on the bed I sat in before. I traced the outlines of the cup being unsure if I should tell her or not

"Promise not to freak out —- or kill me" I asked nervously , starting to shake violently.

"Come on Ariana! We've been through everything together! You can tell me anything!" She said, trying to comfort me, which obviously wasn't working.

"Do you remember...when..I" I started talking, taking a slight pause, looking down. "told you that I possibly might have feelings towards Justin?" I asked nervously, tracing the circle on the round cup.

"We all saw it coming honey" He said, smirking "Where is he anyway?"

"He went and met with his friends and crew for lunch, but that's not the point" I said.

"I see....Tell me what's bothering you" She said, crossing her legs on the bed.

"...I might have confessed my feelings towards him yesterday" I spat out, making a weight lift from my shoulders.

"You DID WHAT?!" She shouted bouncing on the bed in excitement. She suddenly froze "What about Sean?" She mumbled.

"It wasn't working out" I half smiled, she did too putting her hand on my shoulder in comfort.

"Now tell me....WHAT DID JUSTIN SAY?" She yelled, bouncing once again.

My lips curved into a smile and bit my lip slightly as I remember what happened. She was shaking her hands vigorously, indicating me to tell her. "We kissed" I said, starting to blush a bit.

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