11. Intruder

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Ariana's POV

"How are you doing?" I asked, as we sat in the car on the way to the small and cute restaurant where Justin, Nonna mom and i are going to go to lunch. It's justin's first time eating lunch with my nonna and mother when we've been together and he's been kinda anxious. He's scared that they won't think he's the right one and hate him which is completely absurd because my nonna and mom are both in love with Justin. Wait...Not in love but...well you get it

"Oh, yeah i'm...I'm just kinda...tense that's all" He said sorting out his words.

"But why?" I asked "They love you"

"That's what Selena said too..." he mumbled. i don't know what happened but i felt a sting of jealousy. I cleared my throat and quickly raised my eyebrows, looking down.

"What do you mean" I said, coming out in a more pissed tone that i expected. A smile tugged onto the end of his lips. I took up my finger indicating him to stop and started laughing "Don't!"

"Ohhhhh, when you nod your head yes but you wanna say noooooo" He sang, making me start laughing.

"But i am serious, what did you mean" I asked, still having small chuckles in my voice.

"I mean....Selena said her parents would like me but they ended up sending her to rehab to get her away from me..." He said.

"Justin, don't worry. They do love you" I laughed.

"Mhm" he hummed as he kept his eyes locked with the road.

"Oh, you know what day it is today?" I asked, putting my knee on top of the other and leaned back with with a smile plastered all over my face.

"I don't know, what?" He asked, looking over.

"I've booked our first ultrasound for tomorrow!" I announced as he gasped.

"Really? Already??" he asked, as happy as ever. I nodded quickly.

"I know right? It's only been 6 weeks!" I said really loudly and proud. He chuckled and nodded his head.

We didn't speak other than that until the second we pulled up onto the parking spots for the restaurant. He turned the car off and looked at me.

"It's going to be fine okay" I mumbled, and kissed him. He goofily smiled and took a deep breath. We stepped out of the car, hand in hand. We started walking into the restaurant where my nonna and mom sat close by. They almost jumped out of their seats and came and hugged us.

"Hi sweetie!" Nonna said, excited, hugging me tight.

"Hi nonna" I chuckled, letting go of the hug. She rubbed her hand onto my cheek and laughed, but something caught her eye and she let go, but she wasn't like, angry she was more happy.

"Justin?" She asked "Justin!" she exclaimed causing me to laugh. She walked over to Justin who waved awkwardly but she laughed, pulling him into a hug making me chuckle.

"Hi honey" Mom said, hugging me.

"Hi mom" I answered, laughing. I let go of the hug and we all sat down. Justin sat across me, next to my adoring nonna.

"What are you doing here?" Nonna asked, with her chin in the palm of her hand. I smiled and ended up blushing. She gasped.

"You're dating?" She asked, curious. I laughed and nodded, which made her gasp. "Heavens!! Why didn't i know about this?"

"I found out yesterday, mom" My mom said to nonna, causing her to laugh.

"What an lovely surprise!" She exclaimed "So when do i get my great great grandchild?" She asked. I bolted my eyes open, looking at justin and he looked at me the same. We both laughed awkwardly

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