15; Should We?

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Ariana's Pov

I slowly fluttered my eyes open to the sound of soft sobs coming from the crib across the room. I slowly came to realization that the sobs came from Jagger, and my mama bear instincts ricochet and in a blink I threw off the duvet covering my body, and bolted towards the crib and took Jagger in my arms cooing. He sniffled, as he grabbed my hair in his cutesy little hand. He was still leaning on my shoulder and half sleeping

"Wakie, wakie jagger!" I cooed peaking down onto his little head. He looked up and started giggling and silently squealed. "Someone missed me"

I support him on my right arm as I turn to look for Justin, and he was nowhere to be seen. Where is he?

I decided to leave the room, with Jagger on my arm, and walked down the stairs . "Justin?" My voice echoed through the hallway. Nothing. I proceed walking down the stairs and turn my head, looking for my blonde haired baby daddy. He was nowhere to be found so i called him and it went straight to voicemail.

I gave up searching, so I sat myself down on the couch, settling Jagger on my lap as he stood on each of my legs as I held on his torso, making baby noises.

"Where can Justin be?" I cooed, high pitched. I looked at the clock and it said 4:42pm, I must've slept for about 2 hours.

I switched on Disney, for Jagger....and because Disney is the best. Don't judge me. We started watching, but it was kinda boring...Even Jagger wasn't amused...what ever happened to old school Disney? Oh well... I switched off the tv, trying to find something to do with Jagger until Justin appears from where he might be..

That's when I heard the door lock click, so i quickly walk over to the door, with Jagger in my arms. The door swings open and Justin appeared. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Hey, where have you been?" I questioned, bouncing Jagger a little bit "I've been looking everywhere for you, and you didn't answer your phone"

"Sorry, I went to the airport" he answered. That's when Jeremy and Pattie appeared. "-and picked up my parents"

Jeremy and Pattie looked confused, "Ariana? What a surprise that you're here" patty smiled. "Is that your?...-" she paused, pointing at Jagger.

"No-um it's Jagger - scooters baby" I answered, looking at Jagger's tiny face as he smiles back with his cute toothless smile.

"Oh right, I though I recognized him" she smiled, nodding. "Is scooter here too?"

"No, Justin and I are babysitting Jagger"

"You and Justin?" Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows. I was about to open my mouth to say some lie, because i didn't know if Justin was ready for me to tell, but just as i was about to answer he stepped in. He walked towards me and slithered his hand behind my back and onto my waist.

"Mom, dad" he took their attention, they looked curious yet confused. "We're dating"

I smiled widely, as I saw their reactions. "It's about goddamn time!" Patty exclaimed and laughed, as Jeremy nodded, agreeing. They approached us and hugged us tightly, as i turned around slightly so Jagger wouldn't get in the middle and get squashed in the hug.

"Since the day you two met we've just waited until we got wedding invitations" Jeremy chuckled, as we all started a fit of laughter.

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