5. Bonjour

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Ariana's POV

I was awoken by a harsh and loud alarm making me groan loudly, which woke Justin wake up too. I quickly took the phone in my hands and turn it off, with my eyes still shut. I Put the phone back and laid myself down again.  I struggled to open my eyes, but finally opened them. It was still dark outside so I checked the time.


I groaned once again and looked over at Justin. He was lying half asleep with  messy hair standing out everywhere, which was oddly attractive. He opened his eyes and I smiled. I  rolled over to Justin and straddled him. But at soon as I got on top of him, i felt something poking onto my butt making me laugh, and slowly get off of him.

"What was that?" I laughed, lying on my side looking at him.

"It is morning!" He exclaimed, and laughed. "You know..."

I laughed at the whole incident, but i slowly stopped and realised that i am going to have to leave in about one hour to go to France. Of course, it's going to be so amazing, but I mean, I'm pregnant and have to tell Justin, and have maximum one hour to tell him. What am I going to do?

"I'm going to take a shower" I mumbled, getting off the bed. Two strong arms grabbed my waist and a pair of lips where placed onto the skin on my neck.

"Without me?" Justin asked, breathing on the skin, making shivers run through my spine.

"Yes but i guess that i can't really do that, right?" I asked, turning around. I stood on my tippy toes, and wrapped my arms around his neck. He shook his head and leaned his head down kissing my nose.

"Race ya there" He smirked and quickly started sprinting out of the room. I followed quickly after, but there was not a possibility that i'd catch up on him, but then again, i love winning. I sprinted the fastest i could and after a some seconds, I proudly ran past him and came to the bathroom first. I jumped in victory meanwhile he just rolled his eyes.

"You've gotten faster, grande" He said, looking surprised.

"Why do you sound so surprised, Bieber?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. He just shrugged and laughed. He started to slowly take of his underwear, with no shame, and briefly got into the shower. I took my clothes off and got into the shower too with him, closing the shower door behind me. He quickly looked up and down on my body and licked his lips.

I looked over my shoulder "Staring won't give you the power to have sex with me" I said turning around slowly. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me closer to his chest leaning his head down and putting his forehead on mine. I looked up at his beautiful brown orbs and smiled
He turned the water of, as I slowly made my way out the shower to dry myself up and get myself done. Then i remembered; they're coming at 6am. I searched the room after a clock and finally found one. It was 5;30am my eyes sprung open.


I ran into the room i've stayed at for the past days, and collected my clothes and slipping them on. Justin came into the room with a towel wrapped around his hips. He leaned onto the doorframe.

"You look hilarious yet really ducking hot when you run naked" He chuckled. I glared at him, but started laughing. "When are they coming...?" He asked, almost sounding disappointed.

"In like 30 minutes" i said, making him groan, tilting his head up. He walked over to me and kissed me, before he left and obviously put on some clothes.

How am i going to tell him?

I sat in Justin's lap with his arms wrapped around me, and had my face cuddled into the pit of his neck. Suddenly we heard a ringing noise echoing through the house, making us sigh. I looked up at him and slowly placed my lips on his

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