18; conspiring

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Ariana's POV

"You've got to be fucking kidding me" I said loudly, as anger started bubbling inside me. Why was she here? The reason we are here is because I'm trying to get away from her!

She rolled her eyes, and furrowed her eyebrows. "Oh what a joy to see you"

"Are you following me or something?" I spat, as she chuckled and wrapped her arms.

"Why would I want to be following you?" She asked, as I clenched my teeth trying to not go overboard.

"I could come name some reasons..." I said through gritted teeth.

"In your dreams, sweetie. you're just paranoid because he still loves me more than he'll ever love you" she said, walking over to the sink and washing her hands. "besides, I'm here on a date. I think you know him actually" 

"I don't give a fuck about who you're dating, cause you'll eventually just end up alone since you live in a fantasy where Justin even gives a shit about you" I replied, angrily. I was taken aback from my replies, but at this point I didn't care. "And you're pathetic enough to be after me and Justin, because you think you can have him back"

She scoffed "Look, I'd also be upset if I was a rebound gone wrong" She said tauntingly, discreetly pointing at my stomach, raising her eyebrows.

I can admit it. I was taken aback. A lot. And as if Jesus himself was listening to the conversation, the door opened and there came Kendall.

"Aria-" Kendall began, but she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Selena. "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, because I'm leaving" she said, with her hands in the air and started walking, but Kendall pushed her back.

"I asked you a question, you psycho" Kendall said, narrowing her eyebrows at her. I stood there, feeling helpless and sad.

"I'm here on tour, and I happen to be on a date" she said, fixing her hair that got misplaced. "Now excuse me"

Kendall stepped to the side and Selena walked out of the bathroom. I started biting my nail, with tears threatening to spill anytime. "Oh honey" she cooed, taking me in her embrace and hugging me tight. "It will be alright" she said as I chuckled into her chest.

"Come on, let's take you back to the table" she said, and I nodded, getting my shit together as well as I could.

"Just please don't tell Justin. He'll get angry and make a scene. The point of coming here was to keep our minds off of her" I said as she promised not to. We where seated back down and they greeted us both back. The food hadn't arrived yet, and I was starving. The food eventually came and we ate. When we'd payed for the food, we went back to the hotel and where hanging out in Justin and I's hotel room.

"So you haven't decided a name?" Hailey asked, with raised eyebrows.

"Nope" I said, with my eyes glued onto my phone scrolling through twitter.

"We have a lot of job to do, ken" Hailey said, as we chuckled. My eye got caught on a picture, so I extended it. I furrowed my eyebrows and blinked and I stared at the photo. It was Selena. With Sean. In the same restaurant that we where just in. Their hands where intertwined in the middle of the table. She had a huge smile plastered on her face, and he had a small smile on the curve of his lips. Oh come on. Is this who you where on a date with? What a coincidence?? My ass. I honestly had no idea how I'd react.

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