Kiss | ObaMitsu

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(Modern AU)


"Iguro-San!" rang the cheery voice of none other than Kanroji Mitsuri as she ran to catch up to the shorter male. Her usual braids whipped with her speedy movements, and Iguro turned to the pink and green haired female in question. Her hands were clasped together, and she looked awfully excited, for whatever reason.

Kanroji's face flushed slightly, and Iguro wondered why.

 "Iguro-san! I have a question!" She announced as she caught up to him, placing one of her hands on his shoulder. She wore a bright smile like her usual self, taking a deep breath, and starting, "Iguro-san, would you like a kiss?"

Iguro froze. He turned towards the female, his eyes wide and face flushed, as though couldn't believe his ears. Did his oh-so beloved crush just ask him for a KISS? His entire face heated up and he struggled to find a response. "I-I..."

"I-I mean, through the mask. If y-you feel un-uncomfortable taking your m-mask of, I-I won't force you," she clarified, feeling her own face heating up. Kanroji mentally scolded herself for panicking. It was just a prank, right? Just a prank. Definitely not an attempt to see if Iguro actually liked her. 

"O-of course Kanroji!"


Now it was Kanroji's turn to freeze. She expected a curt, "no", or a weird look from him. She was aware that she had asked if he wanted to, but it was surprising- no, shocking it came from a man like him. 

Both of them blushed like crazy. They were both frozen like statues, and the chocolate kiss in her palms dropped to the floor with a thud. 

No, this is going all wrong! You're supposed to give him the Hershey Kiss, call it a prank, then leave! 

But he said yes... surely we could...

Kanroji's eyes were half-lidded as she leaned forward, the prank completely forgotten as Iguro leaned forward as well. 

Their lips- or perhaps her lips and Iguro's mask- pressed together. The moment was pure bliss, Iguro's lips moved in tandem with hers, and their hands found eachother's. 

Eventually, they pulled away. Kanroji's chest filled with a satisfied hum.

After a while, Kanroji spoke up.

"Ah- uh.... Iguro-san?" Iguro turned to face her as her hands gripped his. "Would you like to... go out with me...?"


 Iguro turned red as a tomato at her words. His mind raced with dozens of things he wanted to say, most of which were incredibly cheesy and out of pocket. His heart and pulse raced like a drunk driver, and he buried his face in his hands.

"I... yes, of course!" He finally spoke up. Kanroji beamed.

"So we're official now?"

"Of course.. if you're okay with me."


This chapter has been rewritten (OMG I just realized this book is 1 year old 😭😭)!

(Some ObaMitsu for your souls ^^)

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