Cats | UzuGiyuu

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A request I got during my hiatus. I've never heard of this ship, but it's kinda cute, and yes, size difference is indeed *chefs kiss*

Requested by: SpilledTea (AO3)


Uzui and Giyuu walked side by side as they patrolled the streets, looking out for demon sightings or attacks. It was late at night, with no sound other than crows chirping and Uzui.

"Gee, it's so eerie and empty here... so not flamboyant," Uzui commented. Giyuu simply nodded. 

Thunder flashed. It had started to drizzle. They continued to patrol, thinking that the rain was light and would go away soon. However, the rain started to get worse. Uzui seemed unaffected, despite his exposed arms and drenched outfit.

"It's probably gonna rain like this all night. We should go back to our estates." Uzui stated. Giyuu was about to agree, before he heard a whimper. Uzui must have heard it too.

They both simultaneously began to head in the direction they heard the noise. 

As they approached the area, there was nobody to be seen. Uzui huffed. 

"There's nobody here. We should go now before the rain gets worse."

Uzui began to head off. In the corner of his eye, Giyuu noticed a box moving. He neared the box and crouched down. Uzui stopped and turned to see what had caught the Water Hashira's eyes.

Giyuu lifted the box. Inside was a small, black and white cat.

The cat immediately hissed at the sudden pouring of rain on its fur. It looked around for cover, but the only cover was the box that Giyuu now held in the air.

The cat curled up in an attempt to shield itself. Uzui came up behind Giyuu. 

"A cat? Seems pretty small. Its mother must've abandoned it," he said, matter-of-factly. Giyuu didn't move. Uzui sighed and leaned over Giyuu so he wouldn't get so wet.

"I don't wanna just leave it here..." Giyuu quietly said. Uzui stifled a laugh.

"You're a cat lover, huh, Tomioka?" 

Giyuu didn't say anything, and instead, took his haori off and wrapped it around the cat's shivering body.

"Why so sympathetic for a cat, huh?" Uzui asked Giyuu. Giyuu's brow furrowed. 

"Well, it's really cold, and it doesn't seem to have shelter..." Giyuu started. "and it's cute..." The cat curled up in Giyuu's chest as he began to rise. 

"Cute huh? Y'know you kinda look like a cat Tomioka," Uzui said while pinching Giyuu's cheeks.

Giyuu frowned. "How so?"

"Well, you have eyes like a cat, and your nose too," Uzui started, as they began to head back the way they came. Uzui smirked. "And you're also pretty cute too."

Giyuu blushed. "Shut up..."

Uzui laughed. "You really are adorable, Giyuu-kun"

Giyuu blushed even harder at the use of his given name. This time, he stubbornly looked away as they went the rest of the way to their estates.

They both had a peaceful rest that day.

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