Comfort | Tankana

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(Kimetsu Academy)

Everything is beautiful and ugly. Everything is sweet and sour. Everything is loved and hated. You know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This day in particular, Kanao would describe as ugly, sour and all the mean and bad words she can think of. In her head, she continued to grumble as she walked the pebbled pathway that was once beautiful, now littered with trash and empty bottles. The wind continued to blow at her hair, long and dark strands falling over her eyes. But she could care less right now.

She pulled the straps of her bag tighter around her shoulders. It was also said to rain a while from now, and she definitely did not feel like getting wet. Hearing a roar in the distance, she picked up her pace. Lovely, just lovely. She looked up to see the clouds darken, closer and closer together, almost as if they were trying to taunt her. A light hail began to fall and Kanao pulled her hood tighter over her head.

She didn't even know where to start. She honestly couldn't believe she was ever excited for highschool, because it had turned out to be the definition of hell on her first day. She remembers the bustling and hussle inside of the rather small hallway, people shoving each other and grumbling to get to their lockers. The sight of it made her want to run back home, lock her door and snuggle into the covers where she could actually feel safe.

She blinked, multiple times. The rain started to double its efforts. It fell even harder on her shoulders, her bag and jacket getting soaked in the cloud's tears. She decided she was very similar to clouds, just holding in her emotions until she burst. The rain poured even harder as a response. It felt like an eternity until she spotted an empty bench, finally taking a break and sitting down, her jacket, hair, and bag releasing the water it had soaked in. 

She felt dizzy and wanted nothing more than the soft feeling of her covers, but couldn't find the strength to get herself up. 

She noticed a figure in the distance, and she watched it as it continued to near, closer and closer, step by step. She felt strong arms wrap themselves around her, and she buried her face in their shoulder, wanting to disappear on the spot. 

"Shhh... it's alright"

The voice was soothing and sweet and she recognized it immediately. She cried even more, her tears soaking the other man's shoulder. The rain didn't bother her anymore, it almost seemed non-existent, as her head was full of thoughts, she couldn't comprehend the uncomfortable feeling of soaked clothes and freezing arms. She continued to cry and Tanjiro let her. 

It was a melody that brought them together. 

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