Obvious Pining | Giyushino

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Shinobu shoved the glass doors open and stepped into the halls of the school and headed for her locker, trying to ignore the usual rush of students. 14-21-30, she thought as she entered her locker code. She was brusquely pulling her books out until interrupted by a familiar voice.

"You sure are early. Looking for someone?"

She didn't turn her face towards the speaker, but rather impudently flicked their face, feeling almost satisfied as they let out a surprised squeak. "It's nothing", Shinobu protested, "I just came earlier than usual is all"

"Whatever you say~, by the way, if you wanted to see your beloved Prince Charming, you could have just asked. He's right down the hall, just 2 right turns~"

Shinobu whipped her head around with a flushed face, and Kanae just laughed, "What? Don't lie, you know it's true!"

"Shut up", Shinobu grumbled. Kanae let out a fake, over-exaggerated gasp.

"You're so mean! You wounded my heart!" Kanae dramatically cried as she put her hand over her chest. Shinobu kept her glare just a little bit longer so she could search for some reasons to be mad at Kanae. 

But then again, she wasn't entirely wrong. A giggle tickled at her throat and the two girls burst into synchronized laughter. 

"Well well whatever you say", Kanae said, "I'll see you at lunch break!"

Shinobu nodded and waved, deciding to head off to her own class. She slowly walked through the halls, getting quick waved from some of the students, which she waved back to. Eventually she got to her class and pushed the door open and heading towards her seat.

Quietly sitting down and organizing her books, she stood up to start some small talk with some of the students. Like their day, how they've been doing, the usual. The chatter slowly tuned down into silence as Himejima-sensei stepped into the classroom. 

He greeted them all and started the lesson. As Shinobu was taking notes, she found herself staring into the open sky very often. It just reminded her of a particular someone. The same ocean blue eyes...

She snapped out of her thoughts with a flush, hoping nobody had seen her zoning out like that. She looked up to see the once-vacant board now full of notes here and there. She scrambled to copy the notes as her mind drifted away from her obvious crush. 

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Shinobu hastily shoved her books into her locker, her friend Mitsuri patiently waiting for her as she babbled on about some new cafes that popped up around the block. 

Shinobu nodded, although she was only half listening. Shutting her locker, Mitsuri and Shinobu headed towards the bustling cafeteria, and boy were they starving. They chatted about their day and classes as they patiently waited in line for their trays. 

"My class has a test coming up next week, for math. Since it's my weakest subject, would you mind helping me study?"

"I don't mind at all! How about 5 at my house? We can start today if you want!", Shinobu replied as some pasta was drizzled on her plate. Mitsuri gave her a wide smile. 

"Thank you so much Shinobu-chan!!", Mitsuri exclaimed with her dreamy eyes. As they exit the line, Mitsuri turned to glance at something, or someone in particular. 

Shinobu followed her gaze to see Mitsuri staring at Iguro with a pink face. Shinobu wasn't so fond of Iguro, but he seemed to like Mitsuri and Mitsuri seemed to like him back, so Shinobu was fine with him. 

Mitsuri broke her gaze and turned to Shinobu with a now red face. "O-oh! I-I forgot to say! I promised Iguro-san I would eat lunch with him today!! I'm sorry Shinobu-chan, I can make up for it another day?", she exclaimed all at once. 

Shinobu simply just smiled. She didn't feel upset, not at all. Because this was the perfect so she could spend some time with her favorite person. Aside from Kanae and Kanao of course. 

"Don't fret Mitsuri-san, it's completely fine", Shinobu said, "Now go get your man", she then whispered with a teasing smile as Mitsuri turned red and ran off. 

Shinobu let herself cheekily grin as she walked through the yard. Her smile grew larger as she noticed the same stoic, dark blue eyes that belonged to no other than Giyuu Tomioka. 

"You seem lonely", she spoke up as she neared, causing those expressionless eyes to look into hers. "Why don't you try to socialize more?", she continued so he wouldn't notice her flustered face. She sat down and propped her head on her hands.

"I don't want to", he replied after some time of chewing. 

Stoic as ever, she thought.

She noticed Tomioka always brought slamon daikon for lunch, so attempting to keep the conversation going, she spoke up about it,

"You sure like salmon daikon, huh? Hey, maybe I can treat you someday!"

"...You don't have to..", he simply said as he continued eating. In a way, it irritated Shinobu. She decided she would make him show some sort of emotion if it was the last thing she did. 

They ate in silence for the next couple of minutes. 

The silence felt unbearable, but Shinobu couldn't think of anything to say. Luckily, she didn't have to, since Tomioka, surprisingly, spoke up a little while later. 

"Hey..uhh..Kochou, I have some social studies homework that's due by tomorrow. I wanted to ask if.. you would mind helping me out?"

Shinobu was taken aback by the question, the self-reserved Tomioka himself asking her for help? She inspected his face for any change.

"You want me to help you out? I feel honored! Of course, no problemo! Where do wanna go?", she asked. 

"Your house, if that's alright"

Of course it was alright. However, Shinobu wouldn't have preferred it. If Kanae knew that she invited her obvious crush over, she would never hear the end of it. But maybe this was her chance to get closer to the one and only mysterious Tomioka. Maybe she could get him to open up a little more. She smiled with a faint blush and replied,

"Of course! I look forward to it!"

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(Part 2??)

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