Spark | GiyuuMitsu

657 11 1

Requested by: SylveonCat22

Sorry this took so long! Hope you enjoy!

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Mitsuri walked along the pebbled road, counting her steps as she thought back to previous missions. 

Ah, today was such an exhausting week! Luckily, Master allowed me and the others a break today! She happily thought. The weather was beautiful that day, not too hot and not too cold. 

She had decided to take a simple walk that day, maybe stop by some restaurants. Her pink and green braids flew with the wind with each step she took. 

Maybe I can invite the other hashira to a get-together! How exciting that would be! 

She skipped along the pathway, her arms embracing the world. During her walk, she noticed another figure walking in front of her.

Huh? Who could that be? Not many others know of this path...

As she sped up, the figure came closer into her view. He had spiky hair, and a mismatched haori. 

"Oh, oh! Tomioka-san, I'm surprised to see you here!" She yelled out, causing the other the stop in their tracks to face her. Tomioka stood there, waiting for her to catch up to him.

"Oh, hello Kanroji," Tomioka said in his usual tone.

Ah, his quiet demeanor is so adorable! She thought with a blush on her face. Her blush began to grow more as she took a moment to observe his face more.

"Kanroji? Are you alright?" he asked. Mitsuri jumped at the question.

"Oh, I'm fine!" she quickly said as her mind scrambled for conversation. "So, uhh, what are you doing here?"

"Taking a walk..." Tomioka simply replied, as he turned to advance, Mitsuri quick to follow.

"Oh, so am I!" Mitsuri exclaimed with a smile. Tomioka nodded. "So, how has your day been Tomioka-san?"

"I've been doing well," he quietly said, his eyes on the ground. Mitsuri blushed. 

They were silent for a while, neither knowing what to say. Until Mitsuri's stomach broke the silence with a small grumble. 

"Ah, my apologies," she said. "I'm just a little hungry"

Tomioka nodded. "It's alright, nothing to apologize for"

Mitsuri shook her head, perking up as she noticed a restaurant in the distance. It wasn't too late, probably around noon or so.

"Hey, Tomioka-san! Would you like to get some udon with me?" she asked with hope in her eyes. Maybe this was her chance to get to know the stoic and mysterious Water Hashira!

As much as Tomioka didn't want to admit it, he didn't want to go. Not because he disliked Kanroji or anything, but because he felt awkward around somebody as bubbly as her. But even so, he didn't want to hurt the innocent girl's feelings. So, reluctantly, he nodded.

"Yay!" Mitsuri exclaimed with excitement. Grabbing his hand, she started to jog towards the restaurant, "Let's go!".

Making sure to keep up, Tomioka observed the way Kanroji's hair fluttered as they jogged. They look pretty, and so does she, Tomioka thought, as they neared their destination. 

As Tomioka pulled the door open for her, she thanked him and they made their way inside. Mitsuri breathed in the sweet aroma. They took a seat at a table for two, and waited patiently for the waiter. 

The waiter greeted them with a smile, and they gave their orders. Tomioka simply ordered some salmon daikon. Mitsuri, on the other hand, ordered practically all the desserts on the menu. The waiters face went slightly paled as she finished.

"O-oh, alright. We'll get that as soon as possible!" they said, and then quickly rushed off to the kitchen. 

The wait was quite long, which was expected considering Mitsuri's order. They spent the time with some small talk, like how their missions have been going. When their order finally arrived, they thanked the waiter and began to eat. 

Mitsuri happily dug into one plate, still many more to go.

"Kanroji, are you sure you can finish all that?" Tomioka questioned.

Mitsuri blushed slightly at the question. "This is actually no problem! I actually have quite a big appetite," she said, trailing off.

"Oh. Sorry, I was just curious," Tomioka blandly said. 

"It's no problem!" Mitsuri reassured him, her gaze everywhere but on Tomioka. "People actually ask me that quite a lot!" 

"I see.." Tomioka replied. 

They continued eating, and by the time Tomioka finished his dish, Mitsuri had already dug into half of hers. However, the desserts had all kinds of syrup and toppings on them, leaving Mitsuri's face, well, very messy. 

Tomioka, noticing this reached for a napkin. Taking the napkin, he carefully wiped food off her face, as she silently let him do so, blushing like crazy. When he finished, he casually threw the napkin out as if nothing happened.

"O-oh, th-thank you-" she said, stuttering every now and then, her hand mindlessly caressing her cheeks. 

"It's nothing," Tomioka said, with a faint blush on his cheeks too.

Mitsuri quietly finished up. They paid, thanked the waitress, and left.

"W-well, I enjoyed that," Mitsuri said. "Thank you for coming with me!" 

Tomioka nodded, a tiny, very very tiny smile on his face. "So did I,"

"Well, the sky is darkening," Mitsuri started, "so I'm gonna go now, I promised Shinobu a get-together!" 

"It's alright, I'm gonna go now too,"

"Oh. Farewell then, Tomioka-san!" Mitsuri exclaimed as she turned to head off, waving as she did so. Tomioka waved back, a rose pink dusting his cheeks.

I hope I can see her again tomorrow, he thought, as he descended to his estate.

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