First Meet | ObaMitsu

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Highschool AU!

Requested by: IrisPizza


Iguro walked the halls of Kimetsu Academy, his last class finished and getting ready to return home. The bell chimed, the annoying ass sound echoing through the halls until it reached his ears. 

He turned the corner, in the direction of his locker, taking his things and proceeding to walk to the exit. Many other students were also heading off, some of them staying for either detention or extra study.

He turned another corner and started to hear faint sniffles. 

Eh, whatever. It probably was just some old crybaby.

He turned another corner, the sniffles growing louder and louder, as if screaming to Iguro, "follow the sound!"

His footsteps thudded across the walls, and the sniffles stopped in front of large, double doors.

Alright, he may as well see what was wrong.

His curiosity got the best of him, of course, he always had a knack for drama.

And this may have been the best thing his knack brought him to.

In the far corner of the grand library, was a petite young woman, her hair into braids that faded from pink to green. She had large, gorgeous emerald eyes, that seemed to hold an entire galaxy behind them. Her eyelashes were long and lidded over her teary eyes, and naturally, Iguro couldn't help the heat that blossomed in his cheeks. 

Obanai, cut it out damn it!

He shook his head as he finally decided to speak up, he just couldn't seem to get his eyes off of this girl. 

"H-hey, are you okay?"

He cursed himself for stuttering until he realized that the girl had looked up. She stared at him with her wide, green eyes, and Iguro willed himself not to pass out, right then and there. 

Oh, right. She was still crying.

And, unfortunately, Iguro was shitty with emotional support. Not knowing what to do, he set his bag down and took a tissue out, handing it to the girl. 

She took the tissue from him and blew her nose, her crying starting to tune down to sniffles and hiccups. "T-thank yo-you..." she said through hiccups as she tried to keep her tears contained. 

"Hey, w-why are you crying?" he asked, again cursing himself for stuttering. She looked up at him. 

They stared at eachother for a while, and Iguro was about to faint from cuteness overload (a very real term, mind you), until she burst out into tears again and told Iguro the entire story.

From mean girls bullying her about her appetite, weird hair and unnatural physical strength, her being insecure to the point she stopped eating for days, trying to become a normal woman. 

Well, for a woman so unnatural, she sure was ethereal.

Iguro mentally face-palmed.

Iguro, SHUT UP!!!!

"I-I j-just don't *hic* un-underst-stand..." she continued through sobs, and her voice snapped Iguro out of his panicking thoughts. Iguro listened as he patted her back in an effort to comfort her (which was failing pretty awkwardly). 

A few minutes later, her tears were gone, but the waterfall had left mascara running down her cheeks, making it obvious she had just cried. Without thinking, Iguro grabbed another tissue and started to wipe her face to get the mascara off. 

Once it was all off, or the most he could get off, the girl spoke up. "M-my name is Mitsuri Kanroji. Yours?" she asked with a slight smile, her eyes still puffy and red. 

Iguro paused for a second before answering, "Uhm.. Obanai Iguro." he said, his face flushed.

Oh god she asked me for my name oh my god-

Kanroji nodded before getting up. "Uhh... I'll see you again? And thanks for that..." she said while smiling. 

Iguro nodded. Kanroji smiled and proceeded to walk out the door. 

"W-wait! Would you like me to walk you home?" 

Iguro, what the fuck are you doing!?

He genuinely had no idea, the words literaly just rolled off of his tongue, and Iguro cursed his social instincts. Iguro didn't know what he was thinking, but the words were out his mouth already, and shit, this was awkward. She smiled and shook her head, thanking him for the offer as she left. Iguro stood there speechless and confused and way too many emotions overloaded his brain as his entire face turned red. He buried his head in his hands.

Iguro got up and took his bag as he walked through the doorway heading home himself.

God, I hope I get these feelings sorted out.


This chapter has been rewritten :D

(REQUESTS CLOSED) Demon Slayer OneshotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ