Even as a demon, I still love you | Giyushino

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Requested by: Tanishka80


Giyuu stared at the figure in front of him, shock filling his senses as he watched the figure get closer and closer. With each step they took, he felt himself getting more and more anxious, the hairs on his skin sticking up, as though he was electrocuted. He felt numb, as if he couldn't move his arms and limbs. He didn't have the courage. 

But why? Demon slaying was his job. Why was this so hard?

"It's been a while, Tomioka-san,"

Her eyes. "Lower Moon 1," he read.

The black fading to purple in her hair was all too familiar. Her purple eyes were the same, but the whites were replaced with inky black. She had black vine-like tatoos covering her pale arms and legs, and her haori was nowhere in sight. He stared as her lips curved into a smile, her purple eyes piercing into his soul. This just hurt too much. First Tsutako. Then Sabito and Makomo. And now Shinobu?

"Don't you think it's rude to ignore people, Tomioka-san?"

She hadn't changed one bit. A bitter laugh bubbled in his throat, but he gulped it down.


He opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. A part of him felt.... angry. Angry that the woman he knew to hate demons with all her heart became one herself. But the other part of him knew that although she was now a demon, he still loved her. 

His grip on his katana loosened. His arms shook. He couldn't just kill her.

Swing your sword, dammit! She's just a Lower Moon! Some rational part of him screamed. But he was feeling anything but rational in this moment. Shinobu's eyes bored a hole into his chest, staring deep down into his soul, which had his breath ragged until he could find his voice again.

"Shinobu, why?" he asked, tears forming in the back of his eyes. Tears that he had kept at bay for the past years. He mentally chuckled. All it took was one little thing for it all to come crashing down, huh? "Why are you doing this?"


"Shinobu answer me, dammit!" he shouted, anger and sadness and betrayal and oh so many emotions clumped up in his chest laced in his words.. The woman in front of him simply closed her eyes and spoke three simple words, 

"I don't know."

Giyuu's katana fell to the ground with a clatter.

"What the hell do you mean, you don't know?" He demanded, his katana long forgotten.

"I don't remember anything." She admitted.

"Well, you shouldn't remember me then!" he pointed out, his hands forming into fists.

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