Set-Up | SaneMitsu

456 7 7

Requested by Ana on AO3

Slight UzuRen?


Sanemi kicked the dirt underneath his feet as he walked towards the master's estate. The quiet breeze the only sound to be heard.

Within seconds he was at the gates of the estate, where the other hashira were talking animatedly to eachother. Iguro was having a friendly chat with Kanroji, while Kochou was relentlessly teasing Tomioka, who had an unmoved expression plastered on his face.

Gyomei was praying, as usual, while Muichirou simply observed the clouds. Uzui and Rengoku were talking about some previous missions, while standing a little too close for 'best friends'.

Everyone stopped their conversations as two girls came forward.

"The Master has arrived," they said. Sanemi quickly snagged a spot between Iguro and Kanroji as all the hashira bowed to the Master.

"Good morning my children." the Master spoke with his usual soft tone.

"Good morning Master!" Kanroji immediately said. "I hope you're doing well!"

"Thank you Mitsuri-san, I'm doing well."

Sanemi noticed the way Kanroji beamed at the Master's reply, her smile stretching even further. Sanemi blushed and looked away.

"As you all may have been told, there have been an unusually low amount of demon sightings in the area. So, I grant you all a week of no missions. Please treat yourselves during this time." The Master said with a smile.

With that, the Master proceeded back to wherever he needed to go.

As soon as the Master left, all the hashira began to excitedly chat about what plans they had for their week-off. Iguro, on the other hand, noticed something during Master's talk.

Iguro walked up to Sanemi and poked his shoulder. Sanemi opened a single eye.

"The hell do you want?" he said in a gruff tone.

"Nothing, nothing at all... but I was wondering... do you perhaps have a... crush?"

Sanemi went pink at the comment. "No, why do you ask?"

"Oh, it's just that, I may or may not have noticed you blushing while looking at Kanroji.."

At this point, Sanemi could see, even with Iguro's bandages, that Iguro was grinning from ear to ear.

"Sh-shut up! It's nothing..." Sanemi said, refusing to make eye contact with Iguro.

"Admit it! You have a crush on Kanroji!" Iguro exclaimed.

"Shut the fuck up you gnome!" Sanemi angrily said, hoping that none if the other hashira- specifically Kanroji- hadn't heared Iguro's remark.

"Hey! I'm not a gnome!" Iguro huffed. Sanemi snorted.

"Have you seen yourself? You're basically the height of a 14 year old boy."

"I am average height! You're just tall!"

Sanemi laughed, secretly glad for the subject change. "Yeah yeah, whatever you say"

"Shush you giraffe. Anyways, Kanroji and Kochou wanted me to ask you if you wanted to get udon with us at (insert restaurant)?"

"Sure. I have nothing better to do anyways,"

"Great! I'll see you at noon." Iguro said, walking off before Sanemi could say anymore.


It was noon, and Sanemi was at the restaurant that Iguro told him to be at. He walked in, the bells chiming behind him. Iguro was the first one he saw, who had noticed him and gestured him over.

Sanemi sat down at the table next to Iguro and Kanroji.

"Ah, hello Shinazugawa-san!" Kanroji exclaimed, while Kochou simply waved in greeting.

The waitress came to their table not long after. They gave their orders, except for Iguro, who again said he 'wasn't hungry'.

Their orders came fairly quickly, and luckily, they were at the largest table, so Kanroji's food had enough room. She happily ate her food as Sanemi chewed on his ohagi.

Sanemi focused his attention on Kanroji, who was completely oblivious to his staring. His face was dusted with a light pink as he continued to stare.

"-tta go"

Sanemi snapped out of his daze.


Iguro rolled his eyes. "I've gotta go now, Kaburamaru's getting hungry," he repeated.

"Oh, I've gotta go too!" Kochou spoke up. "I have some patients at the Butterfly Mansion!"

"Oh, alright," Sanemi said as Iguro and Kochou began to rise. Before he knew it, it was just him and Kanroji in the suddenly empty restaurant.

Meanwhile, when Iguro and Shinobu stepped out, they clapped hands.

"Mission success!" they both said at the same time.

With Kanroji and Shinazugawa, it was an awkward silence. Kanroji was the first to speak up.

"So, Shinazugawa-san.. how have your previous missions been?"

Sanemi was quick to reply. "Well,"

"Oh, that's good to hear!" Kanroji said with a mouthful of dango.

Sanemi simply chewed on his ohagi slower. "Mhm..."

They continued to eat in an awkward silence.

"Uhh.. Shinazugawa-san?"

"Hmm?" Shinazugawa questioned.



Kanroji took a nervous, deep breath in. "I-I said... w-will you go out with me!?" Kanroji exclaimed, her entire face as red as a tomato.

Sanemi chuckled. It was cute. Kanroji looked at him embarrassed.

"Sure," Sanemi said with a smile. His smile immediately faltered as he realized what he just said. Now his face was even redder than Kanroji's.

"R-really?!" Kanroji asked, just to make sure.

"S-sure," Sanemi repeated, his eyes darting anywhere but at Kanroji's. She smiled.

"Great! How about the park, tomorrow at noon?"

".. That sounds nice,"


Nobody questioned it when Sanemi and Kanroji came into the courtyard, holding hands. In fact, they were all waiting at the entrance.

"So you guys finally got together!" Uzui exclaimed.

"Huh? I never- we-" Sanemi started.

"No need to lie," Iguro cut him off. "me and Kochou never actually left. We were actually spying on your conversation."

Sanemi's head whipped towards Kochou, who simply nodded in confirmation. "Wait- you guys set this up?!" Kanroji questioned while blushing.

Iguro and Kochou nodded, with no sign on regret on their faces.

But as much as Sanemi didn't want to admit it, he was glad. He didn't know if he and Kanroji would ever had gotten together if it weren't for this. So as the other hashira peppered them with questions, he sat back with a small smile on his face.

"So, when's the baby gonna come?"


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