Snap | Giyushino?

939 7 3

Requested by: Tanishka80


"Ne, ne Tomioka-san!"

 -was the voice of Kochou Shinobu, his fellow insect pillar, and as of now, his partner for this mission. 

Her voice rang out again for about the millionth time this mission, the same words, repeated over and over to the point it made Tomioka dizzy. Her voice was literally giving him a headache, and he couldn't focus on the road ahead, with her consistent jabbing into his shoulder.

Tap, tap. 

Hey, hey!

Tomioka-san, Tomioka-san!

Why the Master couldn't assign him with someone else, Tomioka didn't know. If this was his Master's attempt at making him interact and socialize more, well, it was failing miserably to say the least. And as much as he respected the Master, things like this were too irritating for Tomioka himself to completely ignore.

"You know it's rude to ignore people, Tomioka-san!"

Her voice chanted again, again and again.

Why can't she just leave me alone?

He attempted to speed up, lengthening his strides and steps in effort to create distance between the two pillars. Kochou clearly didn't seem to notice his clenched fists, and effortlessly matched his speed as she skipped along with him.

"You should talk more, Tomioka-san!"

Shut up.

"Why don't you interact with the other pillars?"

Shut. Up.

"This is why nobody likes you Tomioka-san"


And all too quickly for Tomioka to process, memories spiraled, spiraling and creating a whirl in which every moment in his life scattered away, the feelings and memories he oh, so wanted to push away, stood at the center of his brain.

His heart thrummed, and when he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the past.

He stared in horror at the figure that used to be so familiar, but now, was coated in so much blood and remains that her face was impossible to decipher, and Tomioka wouldn't have recognized her if it weren't for her haori. 

The deep, red haori, which was soaked in blood, Tomioka could tell, despite the matching colors. The humanoid figure, but not human at all, loomed over her, licking blood off of his fingers with a manic grin.

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