Hurt | GyoKyo

581 2 7

Requested by: Una_Sama89 on AO3


Quiet sobbing was what Rengoku heard as he entered the estate.

There were no staff inside of Himejima's estate, likely leaving for the night. Rengoku had only been there to propose a message from the Master. But his thoughts were completely washed away as soon as he heard sniffling from upstairs. 

He quickly ascended up the steps, the muffled sounds getting louder and louder. Finally, he traced them back to one of the many doorways. He pushed the wooden door open to reveal Himejima's curled up figure.

Rengoku swallowed the bile in his throat. To see in Himejima in such a state broke his heart...

He immediately rushed over to the taller male, who seemed to shrink at Rengoku's presence. Rengoku wrapped his arms around the other's shoulders. 

"Himejima! What's wrong, why are you crying?" Rengoku exclaimed as Himejima trembled in his arms.

"I-I" Himejima started, but it was drowned out in sobs. Rengoku let him.

The two sat there for a while, in eachother's embrace until Himejima calmed down. Rengoku asked again.

"Why were you crying?"

 "I-. The slayers, they made fun of me again..." Himejima slowly explained.

Rengoku frowned at this. "Why were they making fun of you?"

"B-because of my- because I'm blind. Th-they threw rocks at my head to- mock me..." Himejima forced out. Rengoku's eyes narrowed.

"Who?" he demanded.

"I-I don't know... I think their name was- K-kenzo,"

Himejima teared up again at the reminder. Rengoku rubbed comforting circles on his back. 

"Don't cry... as long as I'm here... no one will hurt you!"

Himejima cracked a smile at that. The two sat in eachother's embrace for who knows how long. But all that mattered to them was the comfort of the other's presence.

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