31- Holiday Greetings

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*Ally's POV*

I climbed the stairs slowly to my temporary home with a slow gait. It had been such a long day at my new job. Since the shop had burned down a month ago, I had finally gotten all of the financial and legal things out of the way and also got a new job as a receptionist for a law firm across town.

The job made me want to throw up. It was stupid, and I had to deal with grumpy men and snotty women all day who were in need of a lawyer. I didn't even know a thing about being a lawyer or legal things and court cases. It all made me sick; I hate the job. Not to mention, the other receptionist next to me didn't know when to shut her trap and I had to listen to her yapping like a dog all day long. God, how I missed my shop.

I fumbled tiredly with the keys and heard a click as I pushed the door open. I kicked off my high heels and dropped my bag on the floor with a sigh, letting the weight fall off my shoulders.

"Hey Ally!" I looked up to find Hunter and Christina both looking cozy on the couch in their sweatpants and t-shirts.

"Meh," I walked down towards the guest room without another word to the two and pulled off the jacket of the suit I had on. I went to grab a change of clothes for after my shower when two arms wrapped around my waist.

"Long day?"

I fell back into the strong chest and felt his grip tighten. "Yeah."

"Sweetheart, why don't you just quit? I know how much you hate it. You can find a different job that you'll like." He recommended.

"I've been there less than a month. I'm not going to quit now." I moved out of his grasp and turned slightly towards him. "I just need to grow up and accept the fact that not everyone enjoys their job."

He gave me a sad smile and excused himself so that I could shower and wash off the long day.

The warm water against my skin felt nice but I was out quickly, wanting food and a nap more than anything after the long week. I was so happy that the next week I wouldn't have to step in that law firm office since in three days it was Christmas and then New Years as well.

I pulled on my sweatpants and a loose shirt and padded my way out to the living room where my two roommates were. Hunter was on the couch strumming to a beat while Christina was cooking something up in the kitchen. I walked over to the couch and collapsed onto it opposite of Hunter. He set his guitar down lightly and looked my way.

"What are you looking at?" I sassed at him, a little more than I intended but I was just too tired to care.

Thankfully, he laughed a little and scooted toward me some. "I need to ask you something."

"Yep?" I popped my 'p' as I straightened my shirt.

"Warner is having a Christmas party tomorrow, you wanna go?" I guess I took too long to answer as he added, "Brett will be there."

My face lit up a little. "Brett! Yeah, I wanna go!" A pot clattered in the back and I smiled. "Can Christina come?"

He let out a chuckle. "Sometimes I think that you like Brett more than you like me. And yeah, if she wants to go!"

"Hey, in my defense, I see you like everyday! I don't get to see Brett all the time and I need my Brett time."

"You're such an odd person."

"Yeah, deal with it." I smirked and pushed myself off the couch, hearing him follow me to the kitchen. "Yo!"

Christina turned my way. "Yo?"

"You wanna go to a Christmas party tomorrow with us at Warner?" I asked her when I grabbed a pile of trash and tossed it in the trash.

Her eyes went wide in surprise. "Oh, well, uhm," she paused for a moment, "yeah, I'd love to!"

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