21- Nervous Doubts

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*Hunters POV*

The next morning I found Ally busy at work preparing for the crazy day ahead of us. It was later in the morning for we both didn't have to be up early to work. But I could tell she had been up for quite some time as she was already getting ready. Before I could say a word, she turned to me with a coffee cup.

"Good morning." She piped, sipping her own drink.

"Mmm, vanilla, my favorite." I said as I sipped, placing a kiss on her cheek immediately after. "How long have you been awake?"

"Maybe two-three hours." I rolled my eyes. "What? I have stuff to get ready!" She objected.

I set my cup down, bringing her into my arms. "Stop worrying, you're stressing yourself out. Everything is going to run smoothly."

She sighed, pulling herself closer. "I know, I just want to make a good impression on everyone. I don't want them to hate me."

"They won't hate you. Where'd you get that idea?" She stayed mute. "Ally?"

"From the comments..." I pushed her away so I could look her in the eye. "You know, when you go to a birthday party full of country music fans, your secret is pretty much dissolved into nothing. Everyone knows now. So I would like to stay as much on your fans good side as much as I can."

"Oh." That was all I could say. I liked to believe my fans are perfect, amazing, and love everyone who comes into my life, but that has never been the case. Whether it's people I've collaborated with to people I only took a picture with, they would go nuts.

"But you know, as long as I don't do or say anything stupid, I will be fine. If I truly want to be with you, I just have to put up with some stuff every now and then! I won't let it bother me because it will just waste my time." She said quickly, "now-you need to start preparing yourself and getting all your things packed for show time and the road."

She immediately flipped back to what she was previously was doing, like our conversation didn't even happen. That's just how she rolled.

I went back and showered, before throwing on a white tee and jeans. By this time, Ally was in her room doing something. I walked in slowly, finding her curling her long light brown hair in her bathroom. An outfit of some sort sat on her bed waiting.

I leaned up against the doorframe, staying silent until she noticed my presence and jumped a little. "Oh my god, I didn't see you there."

"You know you looked fine before."

"Please," she rolled her eyes, "I can't go out in an old t-shirt and shorts... It's freezing outside and I'll look like a bum."

I chuckled. "A good-looking bum-"

In a flash, she pointed the hot tip of the curling iron my way. "Shush," she muttered sternly, before her tone became light, "your attempts to flirt are all failing epically."

"Like you can do better." I grabbed her hand, setting down the iron.

"Well no, I can't do better, but at least I can tell when you do it." She smirked. She pushed away and picked the iron back up, returning to the curls. "Don't you have an interview to do or something?"

"Why? Are you trying to get rid of me?" I said sassily.

"Yes, now leave a girl in peace!" Ally shoved me out the door while smiling, before slamming it in my face.

"Hey!" I exclaimed.

"Hunter, I swear-"

"Alright, I'm going away. Don't take too long." I left the room and walked into mine, staring at the two duffel bags on the bed. I sighed and smiled at the same time. I missed the road, especially because I couldn't play. But now since I've been given clearance on the welfare of my hand, it made me even more antsy to get back on a stage in front of thousands of people and play for them. But like every time I leave, I leave people behind. As soon as I leave town, I get this guilty feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't mean to leave people, but it's all part of the job.

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