34- Prank Week

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*Ally's POV*

The first week of the tour was kind of ridiculous. While I didn't mind making food or coffee runs for them, I wasn't too big a fan of the constant pranks that came at random times.

Thursday we all stayed on the bus most of the day since it was a travel day. I was attacked by the guys with party poppers and air horns at least four times that day.

Friday was the first show of the tour. While I didn't sing with them, I was very surprised when they pulled me out only to ask me embarrassing questions and make me do ridiculous things for entertainment.

"So, the first question will be an easy one." Hunter said into his microphone as he looked at me. The crowd was pretty quiet minus the few screams from girls in the venue.

I was sitting on a stool they had brought out with a microphone hanging loosely in my hand. "Okay." I mumbled. I wasn't totally into this whole Q&A session but since I was the guinea pig and rookie I didn't mind too much. I just loved the fact that I was traveling with my favorite guys ever.

"Tell us the scene of the movie where you cried the most."

My eyes narrowed as I knew exactly what he was talking about. In my mind, I wanted to tell him that he was an ass because he knew exactly what scene and movie but he was totally teasing me for the pleasure and entertainment.

I shook my head. "I don't like you anymore, but I'll answer that." I turned towards the crowd. "Alright, y'all are gonna tease me for as long as I live, but I cried the most in the Transformers 3 movie when the Autobot spaceship gets blown up by Starscream."

I heard a bunch of laughs from the crowd and even the guys but one voice yelled above everyone, "I cried there too!"

My face lit up as I pointed in the general vicinity of the voice as the stage lights were so bright that I couldn't see more than four rows into the crowd. "See! I'm not the only person!"

Hunter chuckled. "Alright, see? I told you people that she's a huge dork. But it's okay, we forgive her because she makes it cute."

"Will you just get on with the show already?" I asked him and the crowd laughed.

"I agree with her," Matt said into his microphone, "stop acting cute and wait until after the show to hopelessly flirt."

At this, the venue burst into laughter. I felt a huge smile on my face grow as I ran over to Matt to high-five him. Hunter held his hands up defensively.

I ended up answering a few nicer and less embarrassing questions and also having to do other things. Andy made me do four cartwheels and I ended up being so dizzy that I flat out fell on my butt and just sat there dazed for a minute. Finally I was able to say goodnight and leave the stage so that the boys could continue with the music.

Saturday the boys decided to take some of my clothes and throw them out into the street. Unfortunately for them, the clothes landed in a puddle of murky water from the previous nights rain and I made them go take all of my clothes to a local laundromat and they washed them. Unfortunately for me, a few of my white shirts are now different a shades of green and purple and red because they mixed whites with colors.

"Oh, you boys are so dead to me!" I screamed as I walked onto the bus, holding one of my favorite shirts. It was completely covered in dirty water and dead leaves, just like the other thirty articles of clothing sitting in the puddle outside the bus door. I stared them down as they laughed at me, but they shut up quickly as I continued to burn holes in their heads.

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