22- The Ryman Experience

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*Hunters POV*

The hours passed quickly. I somehow got out of the building without being noticed and went to soundcheck while Ally and the girls set up and prepared for CHE back at the shop. I was just joining them to help, with only twenty minutes left to spare.

"Make sure everything is easily accessible, they'll all come barging in looking for good seats." Ally yelled from behind the counter. She had changed from her sweats since I had seen her, into a red flowy top and black jeans. She had a black apron over her shirt with the shop logo embroidered in red.

"Ally, calm down! We got this!" Megan exclaimed with an annoyed tone. "Take a chill pill." She muttered, only so that we could hear her and not Ally.

Outside, the noise level rose as it slowly approached 3. Nitro was outside guarding the door, controlling the crowd outside.

"Hunter, time to go!" I followed the order, walking into the back of the shop. I quickly fixed my hair and clothes, breathing in and out as people started to trickle in and find their seats.

I peeked around the corner to see that everyone was grabbing their things; a lanyard, poster, and shirt that all came with the CHE. Ally was rushing behind the counter with her coffee machines running as if it were a competition.

Finally the dust settled and soon everyone was seated. Nitro motioned for me to come out and like always, there was a mix of emotions.

"Hi!" I exclaimed to the group.

The time spent was just like any other CHE, questions were asked, pictures were taken, and I had a lot of people wanting to sing with me. That would be my favorite part about CHE. The fearless people who stand up and sing, every voice is beautiful and it is amazing to sing my songs with them.

Occasionally, I would meet eyes with Ally, who would smile or wave quickly before returning back to her task at hand. I could tell that she was still nervous, and I wish she wouldn't be, but then again she has every right to. Here we are, standing in front of the people who could twist and bend our relationship until it was broken, but I knew that wouldn't happen in real life.

"She's your girlfriend, isn't she?" A voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked through the crowd to find who said that. A girl in the middle asked the question again and I looked at her before my thoughts again took me away, back to my conversation earlier this morning with my girlfriend and our decision. We were ready.

"Yes," I looked up at Ally, "she's my girlfriend." I didn't even focus on the reactions from the crowd as I stared at her, not caring what was going on in the minds of all my fans sitting in front of me. She smiled, took a deep breath, and came my way.

She stood in front of them with her head held high. "Hi everyone."

We were immediately swarmed with questions and we answered them. How long have we been together? Have we gone on a date? How is it with dealing with a touring boyfriend?

"Can I ask Ally a question?" A girl with dark brown hair and glasses asked. I saw Ally smile out of the corner of my eye. "What is your biggest fear?"

She pursed her lips. "My biggest fear? Losing my shop. That terrifies me to think that I could lose this place someday before I'm ready to. This shop is home and everything to me."

Another girl on the side raised her hand. "This is another question for Ally, if that's ok?" I nodded to her and Ally looked intently. "So, I don't want to sound forcing but when will you start recording videos again and post them on YouTube? We miss your videos."

"Oh-" next to me, my girlfriend looked down at her feet and whispered, "I don't know. Hopefully soon."

"I don't want to rush you, but we miss your videos. We will wait as long as you need." Ally nodded to her.

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