9- Brett Eldredge

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*Hunter's POV*

I wrapped up Crazy with Brett and gave him a good handshake. "Thank you Bluebird and thank you Brett for letting me play!"

I stepped off the stage and sat back down by Ally. She just stared at me with a blank face until she finally spoke. "Holy crap, Hunter! I hope you're done with surprises because I may have a heart attack if there's any more!"

"Well, I'll make sure I have 911 on speed dial because there's one more little thing." I said smugly.

"What is it?" She said with a hint of excitement.

I motioned for her to lean forward, "Brett would like to meet you afterwards and would like to know when we are free, he'd would like to have a jam session in his bus sometime."

Ally sat back in her chair and took in a deep breath, slapping her hand to her mouth as she spoke, "Oh my god, Hunter, no way!" She muffled through her hand.

"Yeah." I watched her have a little moment; it was really adorable.

I couldn't help but look down at her light pink lips. I slowly lent in, almost placing my lips on hers before she jerked away and focused her eyes to the the floor. I noticed the sudden change in the mood.

"No Hunter." I opened my mouth. "Look, I appreciate this and all, but you're not ready for this. Not this soon. I'm sorry."

I was shocked. "Ally, I promise you, I'm ready."

"You're not though. Hunter, you just got out of a relationship, a long-term relationship. You just can't suddenly turn around and get into a new relationship with someone! You need space, time to recover, time to look."

"I don't know what you're talking about..."

"Four days Hunter, that's how long you've been single. Every boy is like this. No personal commitment, they just want a girl to show off. God and I thought you were different!" She threw her hands up in disbelief.

"Excuse me? I am nothing like these other boys, alright, I do care about personal commitment!" I countered, trying to keep my cool.

"For gods sake, Hunter!" She cried. "We've known each other four days, we barely know anything about each other! That's not the kind of relationship I want. I just want to know that a guy will want to get to know me, and not use me like some trophy girlfriend. I don't want that title." She finally looked up at me as a tear slid off her cheek.

I shook my head, making up my mind. I reached over and placed my hand on hers. "Then please, please, give me the chance to get to know you. Let me show you how much I love personal commitment and I promise, I would never dare think of you as a trophy girl. Please, just give me the chance to change your mind?" I made a big smile slowly stretch across her face and mine, too.

"I'm sorry, everything is just moving so fast..." She trailed off.

"No I'm sorry, that was a dumb move." I countered.

She shrugged. "Hey, I'd gladly kiss you, but uh, not when everyone knows I'm here with you. Not yet."

I chuckled. "Someday?" I asked hopefully.

She curled her fingers around my hand. "Someday."

Brett's set ended soon after, so we waited until people started to leave. I watched the crowd as they walked away, and I swear I saw Andy and Melissa in the large group. I was more than definitely seeing things.

*Ally's POV*

After we watched the people leave the cafe, Brett reappeared...right behind me.

"So you're Ally?" He asked quickly.

I let out a scream, not knowing he was right behind me. I turned around and almost hit him hard,thankfully, I stopped myself.

"Ahhh you're Brett Eldredge!" I squealed. He let out a laugh. "Could I get a hug?"

"Why not?" He exclaimed and wrapped his arms around me. I only came up to his chest; curse myself, being so short. "Your hair smells amazing, did you know that?" Brett said randomly.

"Uh, no, I did not know that, but thank you." I said as our hug ended. "You did amazing, by the way! Completely blown away by your talent," I looked at Hunter, "both of your talents."

Hunter smiled and walked over next to me. "So are y'all a thing?" Brett asked, pointing back and forth between us with his finger.

"Working on it." Hunter said casually.

A big smile spread across his face. "Aww you guys are too cute already!" He cooed. "So, Ally, Hunter was telling me about your singing and guitar, so I want you guys to join me sometime on our bus for a jam session, would that be ok with both of you?" Brett asked, leaning against a table.

I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I literally couldn't breath; this was actually happening. I tried to say yes, but nothing came out so I just nodded.

Brett and Hunter both grunted as they tried not to laugh at my apparently priceless face.

"I take that as a yes?!" They both exclaimed.

I nodded again. Brett jumped up and pulled his phone from his pocket, handing it to me. "I already have Hunter's number, I just need yours."

I took his phone and gave him mine, then entered my number into his.

Brett, Hunter, and I talked for about ten minutes before we parted ways with him. Hunter and I walked out the front doors out to his Range Rover. As soon as he shut his door, I turned to him.

"Holy crap, Hunter Hayes, you are never allowed to do that ever again!" I ordered.

He turned to me with a smirk. "How was it?"

I threw my arms up. "I just saw and met Brett Eldredge, and I have his freaking number, PLUS I just watched YOU play 'Crazy' and I've HAD YOUR number! I'm a very very very satisfied girl right now!" I let out, taking a deep intake of air afterwards.

He nodded, "I knew you liked it." After a few minutes of driving he spoke up again. "So," he cleared his throat, "when will I get the chance to get to know you?"

I looked over to him, studying his face. Then I smiled. "There's never a more perfect time than now to start!"


Hey y'all! It's Ally here! So I've decided to have a contest to get my followers involved, because I have almost 70 followers, plus y'all have gotten ONCE to 20k reads and Coffee & Country to over 1k already! I'm not sure what kind of contest, so comment below some good ideas for one! Also if I did little 'questions of the chapter' would y'all answer them? Yes? Love you all so very much! -Ally

Coffee & Country (Hunter Hayes Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora