27- Girl Talk & Brett

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*Hunter's POV*

When I woke up, I was alone, and the sun was shining like it was mid-morning. Sure enough, I slept until ten. The spot where Ally was laying was cold so she had to be up for a while, which was typical of her. Ally's phone was ringing but as I picked it up to see who it was, the call ended.

I felt bad after last nights argument and how I ignored her when she specifically told me not to bring up the subject but I couldn't help it. That's part of my job, to make sure she's happy and that nobody is messing with her. But when we were alone, she told me about some of the fans she's encountered. She reassured that she could handle them and I let her off, but I know she knows that I am still worried.

I pushed myself off the bed and got dressed. I took my phone from the dresser and started downstairs.

I could hear voices as I approached the kitchen and stopped near the doorway. The only two voices I could hear were Mom and Ally, and since it was later in the morning, Dad had already left for work.

"...it's such a strange story to be honest." Ally began.

"Ooh, the stranger, the better, and the closer you'll be. Leo and I first met when I was stranded in the middle of a lake in a canoe and a gator was circlin' me." Mom told her. I knew this story. They used to tell me all the time about it.

"Ok, well, last March, I believe, I went to a fair outside of Nashville. Hunter was the headliner that night and after his show I was with my friends walking around. I found my boyfriend at the time kissing another girl and I flipped. He pushed me down and that's when Hunter came. He came flying in fists a'blazing and punched him in the face. I never really got to thank him for that." There was a pause. "But anyways, Hunter walked into my shop one afternoon, months later, and I found him in a ball of his own tears. That's when he broke up with Heather and when he busted his hand. He moved in with me a few weeks later after Sam sold his apartment to live with his girlfriend and then we ended up dating. Now we're here in this beautiful little town."

"He's happier with you than he was with her. Bless his heart, but as his Mom I knew she wasn't the girl, he was just too blind to recognize it, all head-over-heels for that girl. It's different with you. You appreciate the smaller things in life and I can tell that it's you. I have a feeling; Mothers instinct."

I mentally face-palmed at her. It is WAY TOO EARLY to be thinking about marriage. Alright, now would probably be a good time to step in before Mom spills anymore unnecessary details to Ally.

"Good morning." I plastered a smile onto my face as I stepped into the kitchen, acting as though I had just come from upstairs instead of eavesdropping on their 'girl talk.'

"Good morning, Hunter." Mom said as I hugged her.

"Thought I was going to wake you up when I got up. You fell right back into your pillow, thankfully." I snaked my arms around Ally and kissed her cheek.

"Well I woke up to a cold side of the bed." I made a little pouty face at her and she giggled and smiled.

"Your Dad went to work for a few hours so he can have the next few nights off to see you play." Mom told me.

"And we have a lunch date with Brett today. Someone called you too, by the way." I said to Ally. She nodded.

"I'm actually going to go get ready now that you're awake. We told him eleven-thirty and its fifteen after ten."

She excused herself and disappeared up the stairs. Not a moment later, the shower turned on.

"She's a sweetheart." Mom simply stated. "I know you heard us talking, Hunt."

I looked over at her guiltily. "I thought I was being silent."

"Not for my ears. It's a good thing you weren't a sneaky boy when you were younger or else you would've been in a lot of trouble." We shared a laugh at her remark.

"Alright, Mom. You got me!" I threw my hands up.

She smirked. "You have a busy day, you might want to get ready, too."

I nodded and after a kiss to her cheek, trekked up the stairs to begin my day.

*Ally's POV*

"Ah, there's my girl!" A deep voice exclaimed across the room.

I felt a smile appear as I looked at the tall, curly-haired guy standing at a table.

"Brett!" I ran into his arms and he squeezed me tight.

"Haven't talked to you in forever, girl. You and I need to get out more!" He told me. "Now, Hunter, how are you?"
I heard a clap of their hands together. "Doing pretty amazing, super stoked for tonight!"

"I'm feeling the same way."

We all sat down and a waitress took our orders, after she told the boys that she loved their music and they both thanked her.

"I can't wait to watch you two tonight. It's like a dream come true." I beamed at them.

"Hey, don't think you're not jumping up on that stage tonight. You're gonna be singing with us."

"Are you serious?" They nodded. "Yes! I win!" I fist-bumped into the air and they both laughed.

"Seriously, Ally, you're such a good singer, why don't you get a record deal already?" Brett asked.

My face dropped. "I-uh-don't get me wrong, the thought of a record deal is enticing but I don't believe it's right for me."

"Well, you'll only know if you try. Someday I know you'll get offered one. I can sense it, I'm like a Jedi."

I let out a laugh at his last remark.

Another ten minutes went by with Hunter and Brett talking before our food came. I didn't add anything to the conversation as I had become wrapped up in my thoughts.

I looked up at Hunter briefly. He was talking about the set of the show in between bites with the biggest smile on his face.

I have to tell him. I have to tell him today. I will tell him today.

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