36- Coffee & Country

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"SURPRISE!" The mob of people in front of me exploded in cheers and I screamed in shock.

Before me stood my family and my best friends, a few old coworkers, some regulars from the shop, and some people I didn't even know. And right in front of them all: the wonderful man that had changed my life when he walked into my shop a year ago.

And then I looked above the crowd and it brought me to tears. Emblazoned in bright white bold letters, with that signature coffee mug and cowboy hat, was my home.

Coffee & Country.


Ally's Point of View

An overwhelming sense of emotion overcame me as I knelt to the ground, unable to control my body from falling over. It was so, so much to take in all at once. The next thing I knew Hunter was at my side, a concerned look in his eyes. He didn't have time to speak as I slammed my lips against his out of pure joy.

He had the biggest grin on his face as we pulled apart. "Do you like your surprise?" He asked.

"I love you." I pecked his lips again before he helped me to my feet. He then handed me a key.

"Would you like to do the honors?"

I giddily grabbed the key and ran to the door, the mass of people moving out of my way. The click of the door made it real as the key turned the lock and opened the door and I stepped inside the building.

I relished in this moment before a hand slipped into mine and I turned to my blue-eyed boyfriend. "Would you allow me the honor of giving you the grand tour?"

I let out a small laugh and signaled with my eyes, and he immediately whisked me away, talking about every detail.

Have you ever felt such a rush of emotions that it took every living fiber in your body not to react to them? That's how I felt as Hunter showed me around my coffee shop. I resisted the urge to tackle him to the ground and kiss him until we stopped breathing.   

The shop was gorgeous. It was similar in structure to how the old shop was, but everything was new and clean. No more dealing with the cushion tear in the third booth on the right or having to deal with the cracked tile behind the counter. It was everything I could have ever hoped for in the old shop.

It took a few days for me to get used to the machines behind the counter as well as my new employees. My eyes gazed over at Paige, Madison, and Jennifer, the three HH fans who became some of my favorite regulars, and now my favorite employees. 

 A week after the reveal I was sitting at the counter before the official 'soft open' looking over all of my friends prepping for the big event. I saw Paige, Maddie, and Jen goofing off with their brooms and mops by the kitchen, singing into them as a Miranda Lambert song came on. Christina and Brett were putting up table decorations, their hands brushing against each other multiple times while they smiled at each other. Liv and Megan were setting up the stage, making sure all the equipment was ready to go. And of course Hunter was right there helping them out, pointing out which cables went where and what they plugged into. He was in his element completely. Watching all of my friends make this day possible is what had left the smile on my face for the last week.

Three hours later, I sat at the counter again. This time however, the lights were dimmed, the radio wasn't playing through the speakers, and Maddie, Paige, and Jen weren't singing in the back. Instead, they were sitting in the back with their eyes glued to the stage in the front corner of the room, watching a certain country singer play acoustically. Hunter volunteered himself and Brett as the official 'soft open' performers and had been entertaining a crowd of about thirty customers for a little less than an hour.  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2018 ⏰

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