19- Coffee in the Headlights

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*Hunter's POV*

I lost Ally in the crowd almost twenty minutes ago when she left the vicinity after I had gotten sucked into an interesting conversation over music with someone here and I still couldn't find her. My next guess was that she went up to the barn to get something to drink or eat.

I slithered my way out of the crowd and followed the small line of people leading up to the barn. As I made my way in, I scanned the entire floor for her, finding no trace of her. But I did manage to find her friend, Brandon, so maybe he knew where Ally had disappeared off to.

I walked up to him as he was pouring himself some coffee. "Hey man, I'm Hunter. We met the other day." I said as he looked up.

"Yeah! You're Ally's boyfriend! Thanks for coming out!" He exclaimed, then added, "you getting coffee for you two?"

"Uh, yeah I guess so. Have you seen Ally by any chance? I haven't seen her for a while."

Brandon looked up at me, handing both cups of coffee to me. "Nah, I haven't seen her! I can help you find her though."

As we turned to walk away, a guy came charging into the barn yelling Brandon's name ever so hurriedly. From the looks of it, the two looked like brothers.

The guy whispered into his ear, in which he almost dropped the cup of coffee. He quickly shoved it down into the trash can. "Where is he?!" Brandon asked as they took off.

Well then.

I followed swiftly behind them, watching the two run down near the fire. And that's when I saw her ponytail glimmering against the fire. She had her eyes glued onto a guy who stepped towards her-

I took off, dropping the two cups in my hand, but I hardly noticed. He was crossing the line. Right before the man reached her, I stepped in front of her.

"Back away now." I muttered, narrowing my eyes to see him in the dark. The guy took a step back and I turned to Ally. "Hey, you ok?"

She kept her gaze on the guy, shaking her head. Then she lightly pushed me out of the way and walked up to him. "You need to leave." She muttered at once. "You have no right to be here, not one bit."

"I don't have to leave if I don't want to." The man sneered. I swear, I've seen this guy bef- is this her ex? The guy then met my eyes with his cold gray eyes and smirked. "So, seems like you two stayed in touch after our little encounter." He side-stepped Ally and stood right in front of me. I had to look up a little; he was probably 5'10 or so. "What are you doing here pretty boy? Oh, are you here to protect her again? You here to bust somebody's nose up again?"

"Leave her alone." I said to him.

"Oh honey, you could do so much better than this guy. Don't you know they can't make commitments?" He directed behind me, towards Ally.

I felt Ally's hands on my shoulder as she switched places with me. "You listen right now Brady," she jabbed her finger into his chest. "You think you're all cool and awesome, but you're just an ass behind a pretty face. I thought I could trust you to not be that kind of person and thank god I found out when I did, or else I may have still been lied to and thought that you actually loved me. I sincerely hope your new trophy girl doesn't care that you're a shit-faced player, who doesn't know what the word commitment even means, but wait, that's right. She's just as bad as you are. How is Heather, huh?"

That's when it all fell into place.

Heather told me this guys name at Starbucks the day after I caught her cheating. This Brady guy. It's why Ally was a little weirded out after she told me she saw her ex with a very unexpected girl the other day. That girl was Heather. Her boyfriend, cheating on her with my girlfriend and vice verse. And now we've switched! Who would've thought?

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