14- Knoxville

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*Ally's POV*

October 11, 2013

I watched eagerly from the side of the stage as they finished setting up Hunters set. Ashley Monroe had just finished her set, and left me shell-shocked. I had seen her in rehearsals but this was so much different. Performers really change in front of people, there was no doubt about it. The screams projecting from the crowds were becoming louder and louder as the band took the stage. I turned and my eyes immediately connected with Hunters and he came up to me quickly.

"You blown those people away. How you feeling?" I said as I straightened out a wrinkle on his shirt.

"I'm nervous, but I'm really excited. I can't wait to get out there!" He replied, and his eyes seemed to be glowing in the dim lights.

The boys began the intro to 'Storm Warning' and Hunter was called to get in position. I quickly pecked his cheek. "Go get crazy with your fans! I'll see you after the show!" He smiled widely and nodded, then ran off to go perform.

Almost immediately after Hunter started to sing, I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around quickly and immediately recognized the face. I slapped my hand over my mouth to avoid screaming.

There before me stood Ainsley Britain. The actual Ainsley Britain, in all her glory.

"Oh my god, you're Ainsley."

She smiled her pretty smile and laughed. "Yep, I think so!" She outstretched her hand to me. "I think you already know me then."

I took her hand, internally fangirling, and introduced myself. "I'm Ally Stevens. I'm a huge fan of you, I totally didn't mean to have a freak out moment there." I explained.

"I think we all have those moments!" She looked out towards the stage as Hunter was bopping up and down to the beat. "I saw you from the other side of the stage and thought I'd come say hello! I've seen some of your videos and you are a really good singer!" She told me.

I was at a loss for words at the moment but was able to squeeze out a "thank you." Ainsley Britain, my favorite female singer, telling me I'm a good singer. ME, a cover artist!

We watched Hunter address the Knoxville crowd with enthusiasm. His smile never faltered and his energy levels remained high.

I flipped on my camera to record him from the wing.

"Well hey Knoxville, how's it going?" Hunter said and the theatre burst out into cheers. His smile grew. "Now as you can see, I'm a bit impaired for the time being," he said as he held up his left hand. "And I cannot stress how bad I need to get a guitar in my hand." The crowd laughed and cheered. "So I apologize for my lack of instrumentals, but I'm going to make up for that by playing every single song on my record."

He nodded his head towards Steve and the boys before starting up the next song. The beat of 'Can't Say Love' rang through the building and I looked at all the confused faces in the crowd. Ugh, c'mon people, get with the program. I exchanged glances with Ainsley who was looking towards the crowd too, and we both laughed. Then we started to dance and jump around as Hunter sang. By the time he was done and on to 'Faith,' Ainsley and I were nearly fit to drop from laughing so hard.

"Hey, hey, I need your phone number, definitely." She exclaimed, handing over her phone to me.

I took it with a big smile and gave her mine in exchange. My nerves returned as I shakily entered the numbers into her contacts. I can't believe I'm entering my number into her phone.

"So you live in Nashville then, right?" Ainsley asked.

"Three years! And you live in the city too, right?" I asked back.

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